The Potters!

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Harry Potter, the boy who lived and who lost his parents at the tender age of 1... 

Or so they thought.

It's a nice sunny day in Orlando, Florida and in a small little house is where a family of 5 live.Mum Lily and Dad James have two lovely twins girls Raven and Alice. While Alice has jet black long hair and hazel eyes with a hint of green, Raven has short messy ginger hair with sparkly green eyes. Their personalities are just as far apart, seeing as Alice loves art and music while Raven loves to get messy and sports.

When it comes to their eldest son Shaun, he was just like Alice and has a love for Music and has been taking piano lessons since he was six. He has nice auburn hair and deep brown eyes. many people thought he was not related to the Potters just because of that alone. 

It was half 6 in the morning and everyone in the Potters household was asleep except from Lily who was making breakfast. She took a glance at the calendar"Harry would have been 15 tomorrow "She whispers to her self. A plate slid out of her hand but as she was about to pick it up she sees Shaun on the stairs holding the plate up with magic."How long have you been awake Shaun?"Lily looked at her son, worried for his health and of course if he heard about Harry."Just for a bit.Anyway Alice says we are going to meet a famous wizard author. I searched it up and it's in the UK. I told her that you would never agree but did you is all I'm asking".

Lily felt a lump in her throat and swallowed, she didn't want to disappoint Alice,she grabbed the plate out of the air and spoke calmly"Yes we are but tell Alice that she needs to ask first. Seeing as your father is working and Raven has Volleyball, it will just be you, me and Alice."Shaun knew that his Mum came from a wizarding school in Scotland.Neither her nor James wanted to tell them all the important stuff and never really told them about their adventures.Shaun was wearing a light green sweeter with black jeans and  brown boots. He started to help his Mum, hoping his sisters and Dad would wake up soon.

At 8 o'clock Alice walked down stairs in her black hoodie, blue shirt, grey jeans and black converse. She was currently tying her hair up in a ponytail when Raven came running down the stairs in her team jersey with the number 4 and her libero shorts and her white sneakers. Her hair was especially messy today but it was even messier when her Dad came down in his work clothes and ruffled her hair. 

Lily was happy but how long can she stay happy.





Hey Toki from the future, I am fixing everything and hopefully this will be better. The chapter that are fixed will have a ! at the end.

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