building character(s)

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Perfectionism: never being satisfied

Honesty: coming off as rude and insensitive

Devotion: can turn into obsession

Loyalty: can make them blind for character faults in others

Being dependable: always depending on others

Cautiousness: never risking anything

Determination: too focussed on one thing

Persuasiveness: coming off as manipulative

Tidiness: can become an obsession

Being realistic: seen as pessimistic

Assertiveness: coming off as bossy

Pride: not accepting help from others

Innocence: being seen as naive



1. Talk to their selves (out loud)

2. Horrible overthinking

3. Overly confident, but shy when they get a compliments

4. Can't sit in a chair normally (like: always crossing their legs instead)

5. Has a obsession with taking pictures of nature


⭐️ | TIPS

1. Every character's first line should be an introduction to who they are as a person

2. If your characters have to kiss to show they're in love, then they're not in love

3. Add specific characteristics

4. Build the backstory
• backstories don't always have to be sad
• avoid the cliche, dad left to get milk🙄🙄

5. Give them faults, habits and flaws

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