Future Technology System

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In response to He Zhiyong's request, Professor Hao cleared his throat

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In response to He Zhiyong's request, Professor Hao cleared his throat. As a professor in pathology, he had the clearest understanding. When an expert took action, the outcome was immediately apparent. Who would have thought that a sophomore undergraduate would present such a scenario?

Providing detailed information on treating the HIV virus during a lecture, and even proposing relevant medications—it was unimaginable! What's more, the detailed pharmacological reactions were flawless. Perhaps due to sheer astonishment, Professor Hao's voice became hoarse and somewhat wooden as he responded to He Zhiyong's inquiries. He was left speechless by the shocking revelations.

"An experiment, right?" Professor Hao carefully reviewed the content on the blackboard. It was flawless. Without detecting any issues, he nodded in agreement to He Zhiyong's request for experimental verification.


Seeing no problems, Professor Hao even examined the chemical structure of the medication in the final diagram without finding any flaws. With that assurance, he no longer hesitated. His gaze, filled with wonder, swept over He Zhiyong's determined face, and finally, Professor Hao nodded in agreement to He Zhiyong's request for experimental verification.

He agreed!

Huazhong University of Science and Technology, School of Biopharmaceuticals.

Inside the office of the school, a sudden urgent phone call disrupted the silence.

"Hello, Professor Hao?" "What? Are you serious?" "Alright, I'll contact the dean right away. You'll send the paper in a while, right?" "If the data... is true, we might successfully replicate the experiment in no time!"

With Professor Hao's phone call, the School of Biopharmaceuticals trembled, given that AIDS was an absolute and incurable disease!

Even the dean, Zhou Deqian, who had retired, was alerted.

"Hao Yuan, are you not pulling my leg?" "You're saying your student developed a drug that induces a benign mutation in the CCR5 gene?" "And he's an undergraduate, just a sophomore?" "And this happened during a class?" "Is it that you haven't woken up, or is it me still in a dream? This can't be a joke. You guarantee this? Alright, I'll head to the lab immediately!"

After hanging up the phone, Zhou Deqian rushed to the laboratory.

Regardless of how absurd the situation seemed, the experimental data would reveal the ultimate answer!

Hao Yuan and He Zhiyong sat quietly in the classroom. The content written by He Zhiyong on the blackboard had been organized into a complete paper by Professor Hao and sent to Zhou Deqian's email.

Now, all they had to do was wait for the School of Biopharmaceuticals to validate He Zhiyong's written content.

"Zhiyong, did you research all these things by yourself?" Although Professor Hao witnessed He Zhiyong completing the blackboard on his own, some of the experimental data made him skeptical.

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