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A year

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A year.

Just one whole year it took for things to feel unfamiliar and different. It was naive to think that nothing would change in three hundred and sixty-five days, but feeling like an outsider in her hometown wasn't what the fifteen-year-old girl was expecting. She had prepared herself that coming back wouldn't be an easy transition, but feeling like she didn't belong in Rosewood hit her hard.

Harder than she thought.

Not to mention she would be in class with students who were a year older than her. Having the Mayor of Rosewood as her Father made things difficult. To him there was no room for mistakes, it was either be perfect or face the consequences.

Most people assumed he was always away with work which is why he allowed her to go to Iceland with the Montgomery for the year, so she wasn't alone after the disappearance of Alison.

Yet the Mayor had nothing to do with that, in fact he was long gone when the Iceland trip was first mentioned, Mrs Montgomery was the one who invited the young girl along once she had a deep conversation with a certain individual.

The girl was grateful her father had left her, she just hoped he would stay gone.

Just like Alision.

"I need a ride to lacrosse" Mike's voice echoes through the house, causing the girl the snap out of her thoughts.

A smile appearance on her face, as she hears her best friend's voice. Maybe even her only friend. It was a sad reality of her life; she may have been known as part of Alison's posse at one point but all it took was an assumption from the leader for her to lose all her friends.

Because who would stand up to Alison? It was pretty simple. No one would or could in fear of what she would do.

Before she left for Iceland, she and Mona were becoming closer and now she didn't know how the girl would react to her being back. She hoped things would be alright, but it was too soon to tell until she talked to her.

"Leah?" Ella calls out the girl's name, making her turn to head to her bedroom door. "Is everything alright?" she questions with hints of concern in her voice.

When they had arrived back, she had left many calls and texts to Michael letting him know that Leah was back and could come home. When she received no response and had been told he was no longer the mayor. That was when she started to became worried. 

The facts were right in front of her.

She just didn't want to believe it.

Leah softly smiles at the women before nodding her head "Yeah, it's just a little strange that's all." She explains.

"I bet" Ella hums gently "Why don't you call the girls? You and Aria could get together with the others." She offers before instantly regretting her words as she watches the girls face change.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22 ⏰

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