Where are you dearest mother?

Start from the beginning

"My dear...you.are.a.narccasist. not that I am complaining but your standards are high...and I am glad you think like me!"

"Why do you have to ruin my mood..."

"Sorry..not really~"

"You little piece of sh-

"No 1143 and no.500 please make your way to arena A"

Announced the speaker

"That's your no. My dear! Go! Go!"

"I will deal with you later"

"Of course~ I have no objection...I say we go to my roo-

Y/n flipped him off while walking away

"Oh my dear you don't know how much I desire you~
She is letting her wall fall down
She acts lot different now from the first time we met~"

He wondered off to see his beloved fight

"What the hell is this Little lady doing here?"

"I suggest you don't judge me by comparing our body size Good sr!"

Her first opponent was a big muscle-y man about 2x bigger than her but even then she held her chin up and chest out standing proud as ever

"Besides you are.....weak... a waste of my time"

"You bitch!"

He dashed towards her only for her to pop out behind him the audience almost thought she teleported

"Please refrain from using slander towards me!"

"What type of witchery is this!"

"It's called magic!"

He tried to punch her in the face

Only to miss she was behind him again


She wispered in his ear

He tried to kick her from his position in to fall on his butt because there was only air behind him

"You should really pay attention to your surroundings! I am here where are you attacking good sir!"


The female stood infront of him look down on him

"What a let down..."

The man grew angry- no furious at her comment he grabbed the tail of her dress which was hanging behind her and tucked at it so hard it ripped


The whole arena went quite

"Oh dear she loves her dress to the point she will kill anybody who even touches them~"

The female smiled her hair covering her e/c eyes

She started teleporting everywhere inside the arena using the particles as a distraction and blind the man

"Why is this witch allowed to fight!!!!"

"I am no witch....but my mother is"

Saying this she drawed her cane/staff and stabbed it through the heart of the man

Saying this she drawed her cane/staff and stabbed it through the heart of the man

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