Chapter 8

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I climbed on Sen’s palm and looked around.

Since Kyle is busy searching with his eyes wide open, this girl should head straight over to his study. Earlier, I couldn’t take a good look on the way here because I was in a hurry to run away, so I should take this chance to learn.

That way tomorrow, I can use “Summon” at the storage room and wear Kyle’s clothes that I hid, then I can go to the opposite room from the study.

The point is that I can only specify the location for “Summon” to be within 10m radius. Of course, I have to get more clothes. It’s so damn cold, it isn’t called the North for a reason.

“Sen, where are you going?”

A maid who was moving a laundry basket called Sen. The place I was hiding in, seemed to be where the servants do the laundry.

“I found it!”

Sen lifted me up proudly, and I carefully held onto her palm with my body in case I slip. Hey, don’t raise me up so high, I can’t see anything.

“I guess it wasn’t that shy. It even seemed nice. It’s so cute looking around trying to find the way back.”

After hearing that, the maids gathered around her and said, ‘I envy you,’ 'It must be cute,’ 'I want to raise one too,’ and etcetera. If you wrote their words and arranged them in one line, it seemed like it would even reach Busan.

I burrowed my face in Sen’s palm feeling ashamed.

’… Was I too obvious while looking around?’

I’ll get weary if I’m too self-conscious.

“Can you take me with you?”

A maid who seemed to be close with Sen approached me with her eyes shining. How dare you put your spoon into someone else’s bowl. No, hmph. Is this decision up to Serena?

― Squeak [ Get lost! ]

She was visibly embarrassed when I started squeaking and stretching out of Sen’s palm.

“Ack! What’s wrong with it? Wasn’t it very quiet just a while ago…”

― Squeak! Squeak! [ You foolish human! You want to share the merit, how greedy! ]

Were you fated to be Serena, the best woman in the empire? Of course, I must’ve messed up that fate but anyways… Why do you need Kyle’s favorable impression!

Right then, a low voice rang behind us.

“Cashew Nut.”

“G-grand Duke!”

This ghostlike bastard. He found me so easily.

Kyle’s eyes which were tinted with red turned to look at me, then he frowned slightly… That action made everyone feel more intimidated. Seriously, his looks are enough to win a battle.

Hey! Why won’t you smile. Didn’t you find me already. I don’t even have a single scratch on my body. Don’t make the atmosphere too heavy, don’t you feel sorry for these maids.

Speaking of them, among all the maids, only Sen wasn’t shaking with fear, and even turned towards Kyle.

“Your Highness, I’ve found the beast as you’ve commanded.”

Kyle tried to reach out to me but stopped when he saw me sitting comfortably on Sen’s hand.

“… I guess it’s comfortable staying with you.”

“That, Your Highness…”

“Will you come to my study with me?”

Sen looked down at me for a moment, stroked my back with her thumb and nodded. The other maids have went back to their original positions and could only glance.

The Northern Grand Duke's Hamster|북 부대공의 햄스터 (English Translation/Unofficial)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt