(Act 2) Chapter 5: And So He Lives

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They both stand far from each other waiting for one of them to make a move. The Stranger charges at him with his fist glowing red and Malikyte dodges it, they both each trade punches and knock each other back. Malikyte is the first to recover and jump towards The Stranger and is able to punch him straight in the chest. The clothes around his chest are burned off and it shows his Crimson Demon Flame, Malikyte is stunned and the The Stranger hits him off and grabs him by his neck. He shouts to Malikyte. "You're just as weak as your father!"

Malikyte kicks himself off him and gets back on his feet and processes what he says and says. "How did you know my father...?" The Stranger has an evil smirk and says menacingly. "You still haven't figured it out, have you?" Malikyte stares confused as he starts speaking again. "A demon hunting after his old war partners disgrace of a child! And the one who will bring the ONI'S back to the top..." Malikyte steps back stunned and says with a shaky voice. "You're, you're..." The Stranger smirks and says. "Yes Malix, I am Crimson Destroyer!"

Malikyte's face goes into straight peril and he steps back in fear, he says with a shaky voice. "Thats impossible, my father killed you..." Crimson laughs with an evil tone he then says. "Your father merely laid a scratch on me!" Malikyte steps back even more in fear, then Valentina has no choice but to step in. She shouts to Malikyte and Shouko. "Get out of here!" Malikyte snaps out of it and says. "I'm not gonna leave you here!" She snaps back. "There's no time!" Malikyte shakes his head and says firmly. "I'm not going anywhere." She nods but is still worried, the both get into a heated battle with Crimson but he had the upper hand. Malikyte keeps the forefront of the fight as he is the stronger between Valentina and him, as she stays at a distance and keeps laying bullets at Crimson. Crimson lets out a massive blast sending Valentina and Malikyte backwards, they steady themselves easily and Crimson says. "This has been fun, but I have a crystal to find..." A red lightning bolt hits him and he disappears.

Malikyte and Valentina both help fix the place to the best they can before they leave for the night. Malikyte gets home and starts to think of how Crimson could've possibly survived. The next day at school Katrie runs over to him and hugs him tightly and says. "Hey, I heard of what happened last night are you okay, are you hurt?" He smiles and says. "Hey I'm okay, I promise." She hugs him tighter and says muffled a bit. "You sure?" Malikyte nods and says. "I'm okay..." She lets go of him and says. "So, did you find out who that guy was?" Malikyte nods and his face goes a bit more serious and he says. "He's Crimson Destroyer, the demon that killed my father..." She tilts her head in confusion and says. "Wait, your father was killed?" Malikyte blushes and says. "Oh yeah, forgot to tell you that story..." Katrie nods and says. "You don't have to tell me if its to much...?" Malikyte shakes his head and says. "No no, I want to tell you, but you might wanna sit down before I start, it is a bit much..." They both sit down and Malikyte starts telling the story.

"So, back when I was 3 years old, this demon, Crimson obviously, tried to kill me in my sleep. And my father, being a demon sensed it and stopped him. They got into a battle and it costed them both they're lives, atleast that's what me and my mum thought, but it looks like he survived." Katrie tears up a bit from hearing this and then says. "I'm sorry to hear that... so what are you planning on doing to him?" Malikyte's face turns extremely serious and he says in a low tone. "Kill him if I have to, but I'm gonna give him a chance to change before..." The school bell rings and they both go to class, Dr. Kalihang says to Malikyte. "Malikyte Cronis, can I talk to you outside the class?" Malikyte nods but is also confused on why.

They leave the class and Dr. Kalihang says to Malikyte. "So, someone arrived at school today trying to find you in a strange hoodie, do you know anyone like that?" Malikyte looks very serious and scared a little and says. "No, why...?" Dr. Kalihang says. "Cause he said he was your uncle, but I know you don't have an uncle so...?" Malikyte looks up at Dr. Kalihang and says. "Where is this man now?" Dr. Kalihang says. "He said he's at the Hybrid Mall, why?" Malikyte says in a hurry. "Do you mind if I have free track for a little while?" Dr. Kalihang says. "Uh, okay sure..." Malikyte runs off as he says this and heads straight to the mall.

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