Standing in front of the kitchen counter, I gathered the essentials - flour, sugar, milk, and butter. With a bowl in hand, I began the process of mixing the ingredients together, adding a pinch of salt for that perfect balance. As I turned on the stove, the flame hissed to life. Placing the pan on the heat, I poured the batter onto it, watching as the batter sizzled and filled the air with its mouthwatering aroma. A fond memory of breakfast conversations with my parents brought a smile to my lips. As the pancake cooked, "And ladies and gentlemen," I chuckled, imitating a cook show announcer, "we have the sizzling pancake, dancing away in the pan, releasing its delectable goodness in every bite. An Oscar-worthy performance, truly!"

Finally, I plated my breakfast creation, arranging the pancakes neatly and generously drizzled with caramel sauce over the stack of pancakes. With breakfast now served, I realized that I'll never get to experience these moments with my family ever again.

Just as my fork was about to reach my mouth, the doorbell chimed, causing me to let out a sigh of frustration. Reluctantly, I set down my fork and made my way towards the door. Opening it, I was greeted by a familiar face that I hadn't seen in months. "Jeremy?!"

"In the flesh, buddy!" Jeremy exclaimed with a beaming smile. I couldn't help but chuckle with joy at the sight of my old friend after such a long time. Stepping aside, I gestured for Jeremy to come inside. "Come on in, it's been too long!"

"What brings you back here?'

He replied, as we strolled towards the kitchen. "We came to visit Amanda's dad, he is sick."

"How is she doing?"

"She's doing her best to stay strong."

We entered the kitchen. "Pancakes, huh? Are you sure these aren't destined for the trash?" He teased. I playfully rolled my eyes.

"Oh, you haven't changed a bit, have you, Jer? Don't worry, these are my best creations yet. You'll see." I assured him.

Jeremy smirked, still not entirely convinced. He followed me to the dining table and took a seat across from me. "Well, if I end up with food poisoning, I'm blaming you." He joked. I grinned confidently, knowing my pancake-making skills were outstanding. As he took his first bite, Jeremy's eyebrows furrowed in surprise and he looked up at me with his raised eyebrow. "Hold on a second, these are actually good." He admitted. I chuckled triumphantly, pleased with his reaction.

"Told you! Never underestimate my pancake making skills."

As we savored each bite, Jeremy turned to me and asked. "So, Cam, what's the latest scoop?"

I gulped down a mouthful of pancaked before responding. "Well, I've been practicing basketball a lot lately. I've been working on my jump shot, trying to improve my game."

Jeremy nodded, impressed. "That's awesome man! I'm sure you'll kill it on the court. Jack Harrow's party was quite the event, huh? I caught a glimpse of Lara and Mia's Instagram stories."

"Yeah, it was alright. The place was packed and the music was blaring!" I responded, sounding rather uninterested.

"Did you happen to meet anyone interesting?" Jeremy asked.

"Actually...yes." I replied, a wide grin spreading across my face that I couldn't seem to contain.

"Whoa, whoa, hold on a second! Did I hear you correctly? You found a girl... interesting. And mind you, I know you find all girls interesting."

I let out a sigh. "No, she's...different."

Jeremy's eyebrows shot up in intrigue. "Aha! So, she's 'different'."

"Do you remember Liam Davis?"

"Yes, Liam Davis, the guy you competed against for the captaincy position." He replied.

"Exactly, that's the Liam Davis I'm talking about."

"But what does he have to do with this 'interesting girl' of yours?" He asked, raising an eyebrow.

"She happens to be his little sister and Liam can't stand me."

Jeremy's eyes widened, realizing the seriousness of the situation. "Well, if Liam hates you, he won't let her anywhere near you. How do you plan on handling that?"

I leaned back, crossing my arms. "Ah, my dear friend, that's where my charms come into play. I'll sweep Elle off her feet, show her what a catch I am, and make Liam change his mind."

Jeremy chuckled, shaking his head. "You certainly have a way with words."

Our conversation was interrupted as Jeremy's phone rang, signaling an incoming call. He glanced on his screen, his expression changing to one of urgency. "It's Amanda. I have to take this." I waved my hand dismissively, a mischievous smirk playing on my lips. "Go ahead. Jeez, attend to your domestic duties." I teased. Jeremy chuckled wryly as he answered the call, stepping away to have a private conversation with his wife. After a brief exchange, he ended the call and returned to the kitchen. "Sorry, Cam. Duty calls. We'll have to continue this later."

Leaning forward, I reassured him. "No problem, we'll meet up tonight at our favorite bar. And don't forget to pick me up, chauffeur."

Rolling his eyes, Jeremy replied. "Alright, alright, Mr. Charming. I'll personally chauffeur you to our little party."

I chuckled. "That's what friends are for, right?" We had a few laughs and he departed shortly thereafter.

 "That's what friends are for, right?" We had a few laughs and he departed shortly thereafter

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