unwanted feelings

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The filming felt like eternity, you could feel Renee's eyes burning holes in the back of your head. it seemed she didn't take how your last conversation went.  the only other times you spoke were when you had to act. while Renee started to sing you could feel yourself in a trance, only to snap out of it. you couldn't fall in love with her again, it wasn't right. besides it was for the better. yeah for the better. 

"annnnd cut!" the directors voice echoed through the building, other actors sighing with relief, it was the end of the day. you felt drained, hungry mostly but hey lucky enough the cooks were here to supply everyone of their needs. you moved away from the set, avoiding a few people before you found yourself at the food table. the taste of the food practically melted in your mouth, for a moment you could enjoy it without having to laugh at some joke that's not funny, or being in an awkward conversation. 

Though that wouldn't last long. 

a familiar smell now roamed around the table you stood out, swallowing the last piece of food savoured in your mouth you turned around. standing there was Renee, her blonde hair staying so still as she stared at you. a slight smirk appeared on her face, you weren't sure how long she had been standing there nor why she was standing there. before she could speak you spoke up, "first of all, how long were you standing there because that is creepy as hell. second of all, why are you right behind me?" you arched your eyebrow, waiting for her answer. 

Renee bit her bottom lip, hesitating to speak. "look i'm sorry, i didn't mean to creep you out. i just wanted to speak with you, you know... try and be friends again?" her voice was soft, almost covering the heartbreak from earlier. "i know we haven't spoken in god knows how long, but we're adults now. i'm sure we can make amends? i miss having you in my life." she spoke, her hand slowly reaching for yours. 

you didnt move as you watched her carefully, freezing in the spot as you felt her skin against yours. her hand was soft, softer than you remembered. "it's... it's fine." you moved away, feeling the table now pressed against your lower back. "i mean we're coworkers, what more could you possibly want." the words came out more bitter than imagined, but it was too late now. "look i'm sorry but i really need to get home, i've got so much to do and sleep to catch up on." you breathed out, quickly walking away, once again. once reaching outside the air was now cold, pressing against your skin as you rushed towards the car. 

"Y/N please wait!" Renee followed, pleading with you to at least stop. 

you do, turning around to look over at the blonde, her hair moving side to side as the wind picked up. "look i know you were freaked out in there, but we can't be awkward forever." she sighed, moving a little closer. "what happened in the past is the past, i know you probably don't the same but... i really do miss you Y/N and the thought of loosing you again is more painful than you can ever imagine." she frowned, her blue eyes full of sadness. "can i at least give you my number?" 

you were hesitant for a moment before caving in. "okay fine- i'll give it to you then i need to go." you grabbed her phone, entering in your number. "goodbye Renee." you spoke, entering the car turning it on. without any other word you drove off. looking in the review mirror, Renee standing there watching as you left. before you knew it she was gone. 

                                                                                2 am thursday 31st 

                                                  unknown number: Hey are you up?

                                                  y/n: depends on who it is. is this some booty call?

                                                 unknown number: if you want it to be baby girl. 

                                                y/n: oh so original tell me who this is before i go back to bed.

                                               unknown number: It's Renee, kind of sad you didn't realise :( 

                                               y/n: oh, hey. why are you messaging so late?

                                              Renee: so, i'm in a pickle. i'm at this party and i only came because i had to and now i'm stuck here with a bunch of idiots and i need to get out. Ava left me here.

  y/n: god renee. do you ever not put yourself in bad situations? i'll come pick you up give me the address. 

Renne: oh god you're a life saver baby girl. the address is 120 George street. i thhink i spelt it right, my phone is blurry i think im going blind 

y/n: you're not going blind, just drunk. stay where you are okay? i'm in the car now.

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