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beyoncé giselle knowles.
july first.
houston, tx.

Yesterday I agreed with my wife when she said all I wanted to do was fuck. I couldn't keep my eyes out of the curves of Nicki's hips, the roundness of her ass, or the cleavage between her breasts, but no one could. I didn't blame myself for that. I wasn't sorry for that. That was human.

But I hadn't gone home, and I hadn't touched her. Not in the way I'd intended to when I had her in my vicinity. I thought I would come over here and charm her out of her underwear, but the most we had done was kiss.

The conversation between us flowed like water, never running out of topics to talk about, most of our conversation turning into flirty banter and kissing. I'd learned through our conversation that she loved to be kissed all over, that kissing was her kryptonite. So when I was done talking, I kissed every inch of her skin until I had blue balls.

"When your lips touch my skin, I feel fire."

I set her ablaze for hours until she had been teased so much that she was begging me to stop. And we were back to talking all over again, underneath the vented skylight in her living room. The full moon that we laid under felt like an omen to me.

In my peripheral, I could see her chest heaving, could see the dimple in her left cheek. I could hear her breathing, and it was all I could hear in this newly furnished home. Courtesy of myself and George because he was a man, I was not moving a goddamn couch, and he acted like he just could not stay home with his wife and his children.

But now we were alone, kissing and conversing under a full moon.

"I like you very much Beyoncé. If you haven't noticed already."

"I noticed. I've been locked up in your house for the better part of the day."

"I'm not holding you hostage. You can leave."

I was silent. I didn't want to go home, not right now. It was so late in the night or early in the morning that I knew no one in my home would be awake. There was no good reason for me to rush home.

"I want to ask you something and I want to remind you to be honest."


"Do you agree with our neighbors? Do you think I'm a whore?"

She was definitely bothered by what everyone had to say about her. I mean of course she was. Who wouldn't be?

But I knew, regardless of my answer, regardless of their opinions, she would continue to do whatever her heart desired. Although I loved a woman that could stand on her own two, she shouldn't have to be this strong in the first place.

"Not for one second," I responded and I meant it, "I think you are a woman that knows what she wants and isn't timid about it like the rest of the world. Men do the same thing and nobody bats an eye. I think you deserve all that you want."

"I want you to kiss me."

I chuckled some, "You just told me to stop."

"I've caught my breath now."

"Where would you like to be kissed?"

"Wherever you want."

I took my body to hers, starting at the bottom, my lips creating invisible kiss marks on her French tipped toes. I looked up at her and watched her suck her bottom lip between her teeth, the moon lighting her up and creating a spotlight just for her.

I trailed my kisses to her calves, her knees, and I took my kissing slow on her thighs. She wiggled beneath me, taking deep breaths and moaning quietly. I lifted her leg and kissed her hamstring before lowering and smooching her right in the cuff of her ass. Then I repeated with the other.

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