How would they react if...

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,if you broke your voice while singing
(You're a singer)

(Let's pretend you were singing Ussewa when Ado was performing at the Mars Live)

"HUH?!" your loud booming voice was heard, suddenly you felt like something snapped in your neck though you ignored it but when you were about to continue the song..You couldn't speak

•Miles Morales•
-Heard the last part and couldn't help but feel bad for your vocal chords

-After a few minutes he noticed you didn't finished the song

-would get worried and come check on you

-Comes thru your window (Like usual)

-Wonders if Patvir crashed at your place cause your whole apartment smells like tea

-Soon he would find you laying on the couch defeated

"sunshine? Is everything ok??"

-When you explained to him thru paper he promised he would help you as much as he can

-He'll definitely asks his mom and maybe even Hobie

-In the end, because of Miles (and his mom's) help, you got better in after a day or two

"you're a good singer but don't push yourself that much ok??"

•Earth 42 Miles•
-He was actually heading to your place thru the fire exit, and when he reached your window was when your voice cracked and broke.

-Got worried snd rushed to your side as you pressed a hand against your throat, trying to ease the pain.

"That's why you shouldn't push yourself." he lightly scolded lightly slapping the back of your head

-He didn't panicked tho, he was able to remain calm and help you sit on the couch

-would get you a cup of warm water, so that's nice

-He doesn't really know where to get advice so he'll just search on the web while you simply lay on the couch with your head on his lap defeated

-He would play with your hair tho

-with his help, you healed after a week since you guys couldn't make sure which remedy was the best
•Patvir Prabhakar•

-Was so confused when you didn't talk to him during school

-Thought you were mad at him but then again you didn't ignore him or give him bad looks

-He couldn't really confront you until lunch since there was exams that day, that means you two couldn't really get free time at all

-It didn't help that the teacher was strict af

-He was anxious tho, he can't help but overthink if he did something bad

-But when lunch came, he immediately asked you snd when you explained it thru paper he was relieved that he didn't do anything bad

-But yeah, Tea

-That's what you'll be drinking for the next 24 hours (either you like it or not) and if you don't then Patvir will force you in an aggressively passive order

-yeah you healed after 3 days

-Makes sure you won't overdue yourself again
•Hobie Brown•
-You were practicing at his apartment when you hit that high note that cracked your voice

-mf just started laughing at you

-You would just glare at him (maybe even throw something)

"You're quite adorable when you're all quite innit?"

-for real though, he wouldn't panic since this happens a lot to singers especially to heavy metal artists

-Even Hobie would lose his voice sometimes

-He would actually give some really helpful ways to get your voice back that actually works really well

- he would ruffle your hair and slightly scold you (in a semi playful way)

"Just know your limits 'lright?"

-would probably give you a few tips on trying to lessen the chance of you loosing your voice

-yeah, you healed after a day

•Miguel O Hara•

"You're awfully quite today"

-You didn't wanna tell him since you already know that you'll get the good ol' scolding

-So you tried to avoid him until you would get your voice back

-if your a spider people then you'd go to missions or travel other universes

-You knew that Miguel's gonna get suspicious so you tried every remedy just to heal your throat faster

-But of course he noticed it much much earlier because he had called you over and questioned you

-you gave up anyways and wrote to him about what happened

-Just looks at you with a raised brow

*Sigh* "You and your antics"

-Would ask from other spider people (Hobie) about some ways

-In the end you healed after 4 days and got 4 days worth of scolding (light)

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