Chapter Seventeen

Start from the beginning

"Of course, my Lord," Rafe chuckled softly, then sobered up. "But perhaps we should continue our conversation away from prying eyes."

With a nod of agreement, Tamlin and Cin followed Rafe as he led them to a quieter corner of the square. Once they were somewhat alone, Rafe's face told Cin everything she needed to know before his words did.

"We found the house, my Lord," Rafe sighed, his head hung low. "It was razed."

"Take us there," Cin said, cutting Tamlin off before he could answer.

"Cin, you—"

"Rafe, I won't be dissuaded," Cin forced the words out of her mouth. If she was expected to tell Aeson and Aetlani that their parents were dead, then she wanted to see it for herself. She wouldn't take away their hope until she knew for certain that there was no hope left to be held.

Rafe glanced at Tamlin, quietly seeking his permission to proceed—a drawback to everything Cin was trying to undo. But Tamlin kept his gaze steadfast on Cin. He had no interest in finding Aeson and Aetlani's parents, had long since given up on the fixation and held on only for their sake. However, if his beloved wanted to see it for herself, then he would not stop her.

To his credit, Rafe read the scene as he should, bowed his head to Cin in apology, and then turned on his heel to lead them to the destroyed house. They strode over the bridges and down the winding walkways until they left the floating village behind them and entered the fields surrounding it. Many of the houses that bordered the floating village were still in need of repair, and it was among the second group of damaged houses that they found the one they'd been searching for.

Cin smelled the strawberries before they reached the house. She saw the rubble and debris first while Tamlin shifted back to his own face and form as they stopped.

Cin's heart clenched as she gazed upon the wreckage, knowing that this had once been the home of Aeson and Aetlani, the only sanctuary they had clung to with hopes of returning to it, with parents who should have been overjoyed to welcome them home. Tears welled in her eyes as she imagined the pain and devastation their parents must have endured and the now shattered remnants of their childhood dreams scattered to the wind.

Tamlin reached out a comforting hand, his touch a lifeline in the midst of Cin's anguish.

"I'm so sorry," he murmured, his voice filled with empathy.

Cin leaned into his embrace, seeking solace in his strength. "It's just... so unfair," she whispered, her voice choked with emotion. "Those children, they deserved so much more than this."

As Tamlin comforted Cin, Rafe moved quietly through the debris, his eyes scanning the wreckage. He knelt beside the strawberry plants, gently brushing the dirt from their leaves as if tending to wounded sentries—strawberry plants that had somehow grown through the destruction, that had survived what had destroyed everything else.

"Didn't I tell you not to come back here?" a voice called out of the dark.

Rafe sighed, rose to his feet, and turned in the direction of the voice. "Aster, I'm sorry, but—"

"I warned you, Rafe. I warned you what would happen if you came back," Aster chided, stepping into view from a neighboring half-rebuilt home. The fae woman rushed toward them, securing her thick shawl around her large body, with her hair braided over one shoulder.

Rafe jogged to intercept the furious woman, making his way to leap between her and Tamlin when suddenly, she stopped, and a flash of recognition passed over her face as she saw Tamlin and Cin. It was Tamlin she recognized first, of course, and that had been enough to stop her in her tracks.

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