Chapter Fourteen

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A/N: I don't even know where to begin with this, so I'll start with I'm so sorry this has taken so long. Life happened, and continued to happen until very, very recently.  Your patience has not gone unnoticed or unappreciated! I don't have a posting schedule in mind, but I have started writing again--FINALLY--and will be finishing this novella so that I can start posting the next one (because surprisingly enough, THAT one is finished). I'll likely post new chapters once or twice a week.



"Can you stay in here with us?"

"I wish I could, little one," Cin whispered, tucking Aeson into the bed, half-hidden beneath the thick quilted blanket. "But I still have some things to do before I get some sleep."

Aetlani's snores were soft, just enough to compete with the gentle tinkling of wind chimes made of delicate petals in the open windows. The chimes danced with every breeze that wafted through the room. A mere glance at the little girl assured Cin that she would be passed out until morning. Aeson, however, was the problem.

"You weren't too busy last night." Aeson seemed to be in an arguing mood. Cin blamed herself for that. After all the excitement they'd had during the day, Aeson had grown comfortable enough—bold enough—to speak as freely as any child should be allowed to. So, she sighed and gazed at the Faerie lights that danced along the walls, casting a warm glow throughout the room.

Tamlin and Cin had to relocate to a new room, one with an adjacent space designed for two children. Aeson followed her gaze, observing the framed artwork on the walls portraying scenes of playful animals—rabbits and squirrels—engaged in whimsical activities amidst vibrant blossoms. The room had been crafted for children.

With a gentle smile playing on her lips, Cin flicked his nose. "You caught us by surprise yesterday. You'll have no such luck tonight, I'm afraid. Now, go to sleep, or I'll swap your morning meal for a plate full of greenery."

"Goodnight, Cin," the boy grumbled, half-rolling his eyes but turning over to sleep anyway. Cin chuckled under her breath, if only the threat of green foods worked on grown men as easily as it worked on little children.

Cin resisted the urge to kiss Aeson's forehead, feeling she had no right to the act. Instead, she swallowed hard and bid him a good night. With the plush brown carpet underfoot, Cin strode from the room, passing the low table adorned with a bowl of ripe, juicy berries in case either of them woke and felt hungry.

"Don't stay up too late, you lot," Cin said teasingly to the sentries on duty in the hallway as she clicked the door to the kids' shut behind her. Two sentries were stationed outside the kids' window, and an additional two stood guard outside their door.

She heard the soft snickers as she stepped into her shared suite with Tamlin. Of course, they'd stay up late. They'd stay up all night before exchanging the duty with the day sentries.

Ander sat at the polished oakwood desk, pouring over the notes he'd taken throughout the day as the fire crackled behind him.

"You seem busy? Does it mean the day was fruitful?" Cin asked, striding past the sofa and shrugging off the coat she'd kept on all day. She hung it over the coat rack near the balcony, spying Tamlin's cloak already on the rack.

It wasn't until she started undoing the tiny braids in her hair—and the lavender sticks entwined in them—that Ander sighed, "Not as well as I'd hoped but the High Lord was pleased with the response."

"His opinion on the matter is the only one we care about, Ander. Try not to forget that." Cin shot him a look, not that Ander could see it, with his back still turned to her. She pulled off her boots then her socks, placing them atop the chest of shoes beside the coat rack, and finally strode toward the bedding area, calling over her shoulder, "if he is happy, then we're happy."

Dreams of Spring (Tamlin x Hyacinth Novella)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora