Ep 4: Paradise on Earth

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"Welcome to the Outer Banks, Cleo" Pope said

"This is paradise on earth" I tell her as we walk down the pier. Me and JJ were holding hands as we walked. He was still sleepy though but I managed to get him up.

"You're crazy, Pope. Your pat are not going to appreciate me shackling up."

"Of course they will. Are you kidding? Tell him Na-na."

"Yeah don't worry uncle G is a huge teddy bear on the inside." I tell her

"Hayward a teddy bear? Since when?" JJ asked

"Heyward might put you to work, but we could always use the help."

"I don't know, man. You sure?"

"Yeah, look, he might squawk a little bit, but let me talk to him. We'll figure it out." Pope tells her as he puts his arm around her to comfort her.

"Let me do the talking actually, he likes me better. And if uncle G says no then you are free to come stay at my place with me." I tell her

"Right and hear you and JJ going it at? I'm good." She says and we all bust out laughing.

"This is me." Kie says as we walked her up to her gate. We decided to drop Kie off first, knowing that seeing her again will be a mystery seeing as how her parents threw her out and we've all been missing for quite some time.

"Home sweet home." Kie said as she unlocked the gate. We all followed behind her.

"Damn, Kiara. You live here?" Cleo said amazed but the outside of the place, "This is like the White House, man"

"How bad you think it's gonna be?" Pope asked her

"Scale of one to ten? Twenty." She answered

"Do you want us to hole up here?" Cleo asked

"No, I....i gotta take this. Thanks for walking me." She said as she began to head up the steps

"I'll make sure they don't put you in anything ugly at the funeral" I tell her trying to lift her spirit.

"Thanks Queen." She told us goodbye and headed on in. We took this as are que to go. We start down the road to shop. We drop Cleo and Pope off. Then me and JJ began our walk home.

"So..um, I'll probably stay outside and wait on you or I'll probably go home." JJ said scratching his neck nervously as he stopped a few feet away from the steps. I knew very well that he wasn't gonna go home, he was probably going to wonder about,

He thinks I'm gonna tell bye and let him go back to an empty house. Clearly he forgot who I am.



"Be careful, I'm gonna go take a hot shower." I told him as I unlocked the door and grabbed his hand. I saw a smile appearing on his face when I said those words to him.

"I will be back but I need to go and check on the place, seeing what's left."

"Okay, I'll have your stuff ready for when you get back."

"Thank you baby." He kissed my forehead and walked down the street to his house. I knew it was going to be tuff on him but it's something that I got to let him do alone. I walked in and I didn't see dad anywhere in the living room or kitchen. But then all of a sudden I see him walking out of his office.

We locked eyes and we ran to each other embracing each other in a hug. We both were sobbing like a baby at this point.

"Hi dad." I sobbed

One more adventure can't hurt, right?Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin