New beginnings

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Y/ns pov

As I knock on the door of the place I was directed to, I see a boy with ginger hair and blue electric eyes standing in front of me. I am extremely tired from climbing the tall mountain, which has left me feeling drained and exhausted.

"Hi," the boy greets me with a friendly smile.

"Hello. I was told to come here. A random old guy instructed me to climb that mountain, and here I am," I respond, feeling a little confused about the whole situation.

"Okay, wait a second," says the boy, walking back inside. I wait patiently, feeling a little uncertain about what's going to happen next. Soon after, the same old man who initially approached me on the street appears at the door.

"Ah, y/n. You made it," he exclaims with a smile.

"Wait, how do you know my name? I didn't tell you when we met earlier," I ask, feeling scared and confused.

"Well, you are special, my dear y/n. You have grave powers, one of the most powerful of them all. Do you know what an elemental power is? Because you have one," the old man explains, looking at me with a serious expression.

"What? I'm an ordinary person with a boring life. What do you mean I have powers?" I respond, still feeling confused and skeptical.

"You, my dear, are in grave danger. Some people are after you. You possess the elemental power of infinity, which includes all elemental powers," the old man warns, his voice lowering to a hushed tone.

"That's impossible. I have no powers whatsoever," I say, feeling annoyed and frustrated. I climbed a mountain for this?

"Please come in, y/n. By the way, I am Master Wu," the old man reveals, gesturing for me to enter the dining room.

I enter the dining room, which is quite elegant with a large table and beautiful decor. Master Wu and the ginger-haired boy sit down with me, and I feel a little more at ease. While I wait for Master Wu to speak, the boy whispers something in his ear, causing him to nod. I can't help but feel curious about what they're discussing, and I wonder if it has anything to do with me and my supposed powers.

Ginger looked at me with a friendly smile and introduced himself, "H-hi, I-i'm Jay." I returned the smile and replied, "Hey there, I'm y/n. Nice to meet you." Wu then addressed Jay, "Now that you two have done your induction, Jay, I want you to train her." I was a bit taken aback by this sudden request and said, "Wait, what? I just got here! I just climbed a mountain!" Wu calmly replied, "Don't worry, y/n. Your training starts in a week, and if you're comfortable with it, you can stay here for the time being." I nodded in agreement, still a bit puzzled by what was happening.

Wu then explained that I was a special case and that I needed to be protected as I had a special elemental power that would be unlocked once I turned 21. People were after me for this power, which was why I needed to stay safe. Wu had already spoken to my parents, who agreed that I could stay as long as I was safe and sound.

Jay then led me to my room, which was conveniently located across from Kai's room. Kai introduced himself to me, and I playfully called him porcupine, which he took in good spirits. We then started unpacking my things, and I noticed a blank wall that could use some decoration. "I could paint something on this wall," I said, pointing to the space. Porcupine replied with enthusiasm, "You paint? That's so cool!" I blushed and replied, "Thank you, it's just a hobby of mine." Porcupine then said, "I think it's amazing that someone can paint with a creative mind. I wish I could do it too." I offered to teach him, and he was over the moon with excitement.

After we finished unpacking, I thanked Jay and Porcupine for their help and suggested a nickname for Jay, Ginger. He wasn't too fond of it, but we all had a good laugh. Porcupine was still excited to learn painting from me, so I promised to teach him tomorrow. As I looked around my new room, I felt a sense of relief and gratitude for the kind people who were helping me. Despite the uncertainty of what was to come, I was excited.


Hey guys! First chap out! Ugggg Im so excited to work on this book, I just feel like it's gonna be better! Anyways I'm again really sorry for having to rewrite the WHOLE STORY!! But I felt like it was needed. I'm most likely gonna get one chapter out every Thursday, but I got this one out a day earlier cuz I felt bad. Ok byeeeeee!

Words: 805

i love you to the moon and back rewrite to the first one I madeWhere stories live. Discover now