By the time she came back with the water. Willy was out of the bathroom and back on his bed cradling his bloated and achy stomach.

Willy whimpered at her when she came back to his room and his face contorted in pain nearly broke Noodle's heart. No wonder he hadn't gotten up when she had. He was probably so tired from working a lot and eating so much chocolate.

"Here Willy let's have some water ok? I want you to try to stay as hydrated as possible. Don't gulp it down. Let's try slow sips. If it comes back up that's ok. But I want you to keep trying a little. If you can't keep any down at all. That's ok You'll fast until your stomach settles yes?" Noodle explained.

She wanted her good friend to be as comfortable as possible even with this awful stomach bug wreaking havoc on the young chocolatier's body.

Willy nodded and carefully took the glass and took a small sip of the water. When it hurt his stomach it hurt a bit and he flinched. He took a few more tiny sips then handed the glass to Noodle and she put it on his nightstand.

"There we go. Now how do you feel?" she asked as she sat on the bed next to him.

"Awful I can't remember the last time I felt this bad." He whimpered and tightened his grip on his stomach.

Noodle quickly went and grabbed some medicine for Willy's stomach even though his stomach was hurting him so much and there was the risk of him puking it back up. Noodle was willing to do anything to help Willy feel better by any means necessary.

He was supposed to help her this weekend but she didn't mind helping him out. He was like was like a big brother to her and she'd do anything to help him. Besides they had been through so much together already. So she didn't mind. She knew if her mother was here she would have helped too.

"Let's try a little medicine ok?" she said as she poured the proper dosage into the cap.

Willy nodded he just wanted the cramps and flipping in his belly to stop. He wanted to sleep. But the pain was too great. He took the medicine despite it's bitter flavor.

"Yuck that's disgusting," he whined.

"It'll help if you can keep it in you," she said to him.

Noodle pulled back the covers and got Willy situated under the warm heavy blankets.

Then she was just about to leave his room when Willy grabbed her hand.

"Can you stay with me Noodles please?' he asked weakly. He looked at her with those sad and tired eyes. How could Noodle say no?

She crawled into bed next to him.

"Can I rub your stomach do you think that might help?" She asked

He nodded and slowly Noodle started to massage his belly. Willy sighed as she gently rubbed his stomach. She could feel it moving under her hands. It felt icky and bloated. She could only imagine how much it was hurting poor Willy.

Eventually, Willy managed to fall asleep and Noodle soon after.

It wasn't long though before Willy was up and vomiting again. Noodle rubbed his back.

Willy coughed and retched harshly in the trash can.

"It hurts!" Willy cried as he held his stomach

"Oh Willy I know I'm sorry it's hurting so much." Noodle said sympathetically as she rubbed his heaving back.

Willy was shaking from fever and how hard he was throwing up. Noodle rubbed his back and soon the puking stopped and Willy was trying to catch his breath.

"Good job Willy did that help at all?" Noodle asked as she grabbed a rag to wipe his face.

Willy coughed and whimpered. "It hurt Noodle."

"I bet it does Willy." Noodle said she reached over and slowly rubbed his stomach again. Willy sighed a little at her touch and moved his hand away so she could keep rubbing the areas that hurt him. The chocolatier whined when a cramp ripped through him and he was looking close to tears. Noodle tried to keep him settled not wanting him to work himself into a fit that would inevitably turn into him violently throwing up again.

Soon Willy needed the bathroom again and rushed off to use it. His stomach gurgling with each step he took. Noodle waited for him to finish in the bathroom and while she waited she took the water to add more to the cup. He had barely drank any but Noodle was determined to try to keep Willy hydrated.

Once he finally emerged from the bathroom. Noodle helped him take the medicine and water again. This time Willy drank most of the cup.

"Great Job Willy." Noodle praised him as he took the medicine and water. She was relieved he was able to drink the water and get more meds into his system.

Willy nodded and coughed a little. He put the cup on the nightstand and stretched his aching body.

Willy sat down on his bed and groaned.

"Why do I hurt everywhere Noodle?" he asked weakly.

Noodle sat next to him and started rubbing his stomach which was still terribly bloated like a balloon.

"Your body is trying to feel better so you have to feel sick for a bit. Mom said that's how it works. It's trying to keep us healthy so our bodies fight off whatever is wrong by making us feel sick." Noodle explained.

Willy thought for a moment and nodded. He coughed and Noodle took it as a sign that he needed another nap. She helped him get back under the covers and was going to refill his cup of water. When Willy's hand grabbed her arm. Despite being as sick as he was. He still had a strong grip.

"Stay please Noodle?' He whined. Willy squirmed in bed as his stomach gurgled again.

"It hurts." he cried.

"Oh, Willy." Noodle immediately put the cup aside and crawled into bed next to Willy. His fever had risen as he was sweating profusely.

"Willy it's alright I'm here." Noodle soothed. She went to work trying to help settle the poor man's stomach. Willy curled up next to her crying softly against her until he fell asleep.

Noodle was sad. She hadn't seen Willy so sick before. She had seen him sick a handful of times sure. But it was nothing like this. She hoped a few days of rest and eating better foods would help him.

Willy managed to rest for about two hours and when the medicine wore off. He was awake and sick all over again. Noodle helped him as much as she could and soon she managed to convince Willy to take a long warm bath.

He did and when he was done she helped Willy into fresh and clean pajamas and made sure he brushed his teeth and took more medicine and water before getting him back to bed.

After Willy was in bed and seemed settled. Noodle snuck away to feed herself and wash up. It had been a very long day and she knew she was in for an even longer night. But she knew Willy needed her. He had always been there for her. Now he needed her and she'd do anything to help him recover.

After a long tough few days. Willy finally recovered. He thanked Noodle by bringing her the chocolate she had been helping him make.

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