The Academic Miracle of the Future

Start from the beginning

This He Zhiyong had something surprising about him!

However, soon, his brow furrowed deeply.

This chemical reaction diagram looked like some kind of drug, and the knowledge inside was not something an undergraduate student could grasp! Seeing these clearly out-of-syllabus contents, Professor Hao Yuan's eyes showed a few traces of curiosity.

He stood at the podium, arms crossed, silently observing He Zhiyong continuing to write on the blackboard. As a series of simple diagrams and lines of text appeared, Professor Hao Yuan's brow furrowed even more.

No, if he wasn't mistaken, this was related to a method for treating AIDS!

But... how did this kid know about these things? After all, data stimulated by drugs was generally not made public. He Zhiyong not only perfectly wrote it out but also made no mistakes!

Seeing this knowledge far beyond the undergraduate textbooks, Professor Hao Yuan's original anger had completely dissipated. Now, his heart was filled with amazement and delight.

Unexpectedly, he had caught a big fish!

This was a rare treasure! Teachers loved students who could learn on their own, didn't they? When the time came, he could enroll this person as his graduate student, and he could be the boss without doing much!

Hao Yuan watched He Zhiyong, who continued to write, with eyes full of admiration.

The discovery and mutation process of the virus, the virus's mutation direction...

He was already thinking of accepting him as a student immediately! The slightly offensive actions of He Zhiyong just now were now completely disregarded by him. After all, geniuses had some privileges! Moreover, the guy had actually been quite polite just now!

At this point, the blackboard was already densely filled with He Zhiyong's analysis of the HIV, including an introduction to the current treatment methods. Hao Yuan nodded in satisfaction; this was the forefront of HIV research, and the whole world had reached a consensus here.

Just as he was about to ask He Zhiyong some questions, he saw He Zhiyong suddenly make a mark on the board in the section about the current treatment methods. "This is the most effective treatment method for HIV patients now!"

Hao Yuan raised an eyebrow. He was curious why He Zhiyong would deny the widely recognized cocktail therapy, which was currently the most effective in inhibiting the virus.

"The blackboard is already full!"

The reason He Zhiyong marked the cocktail therapy was that there was no space left on the blackboard, and he didn't want to write more about this method of inhibiting the virus.

He wanted to leave the last part of the blackboard for a method that could completely cure HIV patients.

He Zhiyong extended his other hand to support the blackboard and pulled down the board above his head. He waved the eraser and wiped away the original text on it. These were the contents of Professor Hao Yuan's class, meant for students to take notes.

However, He Zhiyong, at this moment, obviously didn't care about these small issues. He wanted to express all the knowledge from the future in his mind!

The speed at which He Zhiyong continued writing was extremely fast. Professor Hao Yuan was already quite satisfied, and he didn't make any unnecessary movements to stop him. Just based on the content on the previous board, he completely forgave He Zhiyong.

When Hao Yuan came back to his senses, his attention was drawn to the content in front of him. This was...

Hao Yuan's pupils slightly contracted. This was a diagram of the chemical composition and manufacturing method of a new drug! After careful recollection, he found that this drug was not currently existing or in experimental stages. This was something He Zhiyong had come up with himself!

"What... kind of drug is this?"

Hao Yuan muttered. He was lost in thought; the situation had completely exceeded his expectations. Originally, he just wanted a student to stand up and answer a question, but now...

Suddenly, he was interrupted in his thoughts by the discussion among other students in the classroom. Following the loudest voices, he saw several students secretly recording the scene with their phones.

Hao Yuan's face changed suddenly. Although he didn't know what the drug He Zhiyong wrote was, based on his rich experience, there seemed to be no problem with the preparation method and principles of the drug!

This was enough!

For He Zhiyong's safety and to preserve the research results of Huake University of Science and Technology, this thing absolutely couldn't be leaked easily!

So, he immediately whispered sternly, "All of you, class is dismissed. Leave the classroom immediately!"

His tone was severe, and the hundreds of students in the room dared not defy him, only leaving with regret.

This was a big deal! Too bad they couldn't take a bite of it!


Half an hour later, He Zhiyong had written everything related to the HIV that he could recall on the blackboard behind him.

"Is what you wrote at the end a drug to treat HIV?"

Hao Yuan's voice came from the side.

He Zhiyong turned his head, nodded with a calm smile, and said, "Exactly."

He glanced at the now empty classroom and said with a smile, "Professor, this drug can induce a harmless mutation in the CCR5 gene in the human body."

Hao Yuan's pupils suddenly contracted.

The CCR5 gene was discovered by Professor Deng Hongkui of Huake University. On June 20, 1996, he first confirmed that CCR5 was the receptor for HIV invasion. In other words, the human body would be infected by HIV because of this gene segment!

This year, in 2020, the world's second cured HIV patient, the "London Patient," was cured because he received a transplant of hematopoietic stem cells with a mutated CCR5!

"This drug... induces a benign mutation in the CCR5 gene segment?"

There was a slight tremor in Hao Yuan's voice. He also had some knowledge of CCR5 as he had studied pathology. The deduction steps on the blackboard and the principle introduction of the drug inducing a mutation in CCR5 made many of his doubts disappear.

Such an accurate drug targeting attack...

He had only seen it in some mature drug experiment reports!

"This drug can induce a benign mutation in all CCR5 gene segments in the human body, causing the HIV to lose its target, and thus be discovered and killed by the human immune system!"

This method, discovered by chemists in China in 2028, was something He Zhiyong brought forward a few years earlier. It was just a camouflage for dealing with the abnormality in his class, and it was also the beginning of establishing his reputation as a genius!

Thinking of the painful memories of his previous life, He Zhiyong's eyes burst with an inexplicable emotion. He spoke passionately to Professor Hao Yuan, "Professor Hao, I need a biomanufacturing laboratory to validate this drug with data! Especially testing its inducement effect on the CCR5 gene segment!"

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