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We head back after a few hours at the meet up. Ava asked her parents where Ari and they said that she went out. Do they not realize which creeps walk around at night or in the day time. They should just lock her up in the house and throw away they key. Also it is 12:00 p.m, what could she possibly be doing. 

She could be meeting a boy. 

That made me angry, which is unusual for me, so I quickly put it out of my mind. 

We started a movie, and Ava asked if we can all sleep over like old times. 

I could practically see steam coming out of Uncle Nash's head. 

An hour later, Ari came and went straight to her room. After a few minutes, I announced that I am going to the bathroom. 

When I was getting up that wanker Landon gave me a look, who does he think he is anyway. 

I went to her room and pushed it open. 

"Remi," Ari said, "Get out I am going to change." I was struck back, she really did change, her pink lips turned into a frown, and I snapped out of it. 


Lily and I left the cafe at around 9:30 and she was telling me all about Vaughn. I have to admit he seems kind of scary, but who cares if Lily likes him. 

We went to her apartment for a while then I told her I had to go. When I came home all I wanted to do is change and go to bed. 

Suddenly, I heard my door creak, "Remi! Get out I am going to change."

He stalked towards me, and asked where the hell I was. 


"What do you mean out," Remi said in an annoyed voice. Which is odd for everyone else maybe, but I always knew Remi had a few demons that he pushed down. 

"Why do you care?"

He grabbed me by the waist and before I know it he back me against a wall. "Who were with then."

"Your cousin, Lily. Remember her."

Remi looked like he didn't believe me. Suddenly, his mouth was on me. I kissed boys before, but they were usually with spin the bottle. But they definitely did not kiss me the way Remi is right now. His whole body was pressed up against me, and I moaned, but I prayed to God that Remi did not hear it. He did, I felt him smile a little against my lips. He turned me around so I faced the mirror, and he bit into my neck while whispering in my ear, "Never forget that you are mine, I may be all fun in games but if you ever touch, talk, or even look at another man I won't hesitate to put him six feet into the ground." Then as quick as light he was out the door. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 30 ⏰

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