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I changed into a mini white dress with little blue flowers, that both my mother and my sister said compliment my eyes. I walked downstairs, and I asked my mom where everybody went.

She said that they all went to the meet up, and if I wanted I could go too, but I decided against it if they wanted me to go they would have asked. I am not leech unless when it comes to a certain someone. BUT I decided that I will forget him from mind, so I will say that thought before was a little lapse in judgement.

"Little Nash," I heard my Uncle Aiden say.

"Uncle Aiden."

"Are you being sly," he asked with a smirk on his face.

"Me of course not," I smiled back. Uncle Aiden is the only uncle who has truly mastered the "I do not give a shit unless it comes to my wife" mentality.

We both waked up to a table where he pulled out a chess board.

"Do you always carry a chess board around like a weirdo."

"You won't be saying that when you lose."

"I won the last a hundred games."

My dad cackled, "How does it feel having my daughter beat you, you fu- Aiden."

"Not as much fun as me dancing with your wife, all those years ago," Uncle Aiden retaliates.

"Why you little fu-," my dad stopped himself seeing my mother glare at him.

Uncle Aiden and I started playing the game, and of course I won. In the middle of the second game, Aunt Elsa, had a little to much to drink and started swerving around so Uncle Aiden went to keep and eye on her.

Then I got a text from Lily, one my closest friends. (Lily is Knox and Anastasia's daughter, who will attend King U with Ari). She wants me to meet her at the coffee place in 10 minutes, even though it is 8:30 at night.

I told my mom that I was leaving and I ubered to the cafe. I saw Lily's blond hair from the front window.

She had two coffees at her side, and handed one to me. She ushered me to sit down.

"I met a guy," Lily said.

I was shocked, Lily usually has no interest in guys.

"What is his name," I asked

"Vaughn Morozov."

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