"Augh, don't remind me."

"You changed your makeup as well!" You leaned in closer to examine his features, poking his forehead. "I suppose your gravity-defying sash is the only thing that has remained the same throughout the years... You won't change the pant cuffs of lotus petals, right? Or the lotus-shaped collar? Your outfit only gets more and more intricate, but I hope those elements stay..."


"Waaah! Don't say anything! I don't want to be let down right now, especially since I don't see those lotus petals growing from your skin anymore unless you just pluck them out." You frowned for a second but quickly regained your smile. "Either way, don't tell me!"


Nezha spun on his definitely-not-skates, twirling his spear while gaining distance from you. Pink fire crackled with every movement.

His movements were graceful, like a ribbon dancer moving with silk. There was a certain level of fluidity and precision that came with using the Fire Wheels, and it certainly didn't come naturally. He might've called you clumsy earlier, but in reality, he was far more clumsy when he first used these things. But now? It's become second nature.

You sulked as you watched him. "You're such a showoff, Nezha."

He rolled his eyes. "Sounds like to me you're just jealous you don't have sick-ass roller skates or pink fire. It's not my fault I'm so captivating."

"So they are skates!"


You braced yourself when Nezha charged — his Fire-Tipped Spear aimed in your direction as his Fire Wheels burned at full speed. He wasn't going to go easy on you (even if you were friends), as that would defeat the purpose of a spar in the first place.

You parried it with a flick of your wrist, the speed of your yo-yo launching the spear back. The heat of his flames passed your side as you successfully evaded this attack.

His wheels skidded to a halt as he circled the perimeter of the pavilion, launching right back into another jab toward your torso.

Left. Right.

Miss, parry, parry.

"Jeez, you never hold back, do you?" you laughed. You sounded a little breathless, but that was no surprise, considering his relentless attempts at knocking you down.

"You've gotten better—oomph!"

A ribbon wrapped around your leg pulled you under, your back hitting the floor again.

When your eyes shot open from the impact, you saw the tip of his spear pointed against your neck.

"Tsk, can't say the same about you."

"Oh, you're the worst."

Ah, the taste of defeat. Something you probably got used to during these spars, considering he would always win.

"You know, talking to your opponent during a spar is a stupid idea," he said, extending a hand to lift you again.

"Aaaah, it's hard to stay focused though when it's you, Nezha."

Immediately, he retracted his hand. "What's that supposed to mean?!"


You lay on the floor, letting out a tired sigh. "You definitely went easy on me. You didn't even use your pyrokinesis! Or lotus petals!"

"Now why would I do that?" He raised an eyebrow. "I can't use those tricks on a novice like you. You'll just go crying to Ao Jie about 'how cruel Nezha treats me' or something."

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