Chapter 33. Execution

Start from the beginning

She looks like a lost child standing before me. Her eyes skim my body taking in the fur prickling my skin and my extended claws.

"This is an execution Quilla, it is not going to be pretty." I warn her scanning her face and holding down the excitement surging through my blood every single fucking time she is near me.

"I know what this is Viggo." She says tucking her windswept hair behind her ears. "What does Neo mean vengeance is mine." She asks breaking my fixation on her billowing hair.

"You are the aggrieved party, which means technically the execution is in your hands. They are your kill, if you want to do it personally. If you don't, you can choose a champion to do so for you." I explain.

Shock crosses her face as she turns to look down at the two zetas kneeling in the dirt with their heads bowed and their hands hanging limply by their sides. They need no bonds. Their shame and the Alpha command I have given them are more powerful than chains.

"I don't want to be the one to kill them." She states flatly. I nod.

"I did not think so, which is why I am doing it for you, mate," I reply and turn to begin walking down the knoll.

I stop as her hand wraps around my wrist and turn to look at her.

"Is this the only option?" She asks, her beautiful green-gold eyes seeking mine.

"Yes," I reply flatly. "If you do not want to watch you should leave."

I twist out of her grasp and continue down the knoll.

"Viggo wait!" She calls and I sigh stopping and turning again.

The eyes of every warrior watch us. Ears prickle and I know their sharp hearing picks up every word between us with deep interest.

"What is it Quilla? The sun is setting, it is an unkindness to prolong this because you feel sorry for them. Remember they did not feel sorry for you when they left their station to have their dicks sucked off."

Quilla frowns at me, a flash of anger in her eyes I know quite well now.

"I don't feel sorry for them and I don't care how long anyone has to wait. If I'm the aggrieved person then I should get a say in what happens." Her stubbornness is exhausting. This female is going to be the death of me I swear.

"What then do you want? You cannot stop this, we are beyond that now."

"I didn't say I wanted to stop it. I want to know what you are going to do."

I look down at my tiny mate, who questions me like she is seven foot tall rather than the five foot three she barely is. I meet her challenge head-on, staring her down. She holds my eyes in the way only my Luna can.

"I'm going to kill them Quilla. I'm going to pull their hearts out of their chests and lay them at your feet so that every single warrior in this pack understands what will happen if they fail you again."

Just like the first time we met, it only takes me seconds to see everything I need to see. The flare of amber in Quilla's eyes as Kyra surges forward; the barely discernible hum of approval that escapes her throat, and the sweet arousal seeping through her skin. Kyra is a wolf who understands restitution and revels in it.

I step closer to her to run my claws through the tendrils of her hair.

"When I am done killing these fools, I will hunt for you tonight and feed you from my hand. Stay here."

The lowering sun sends its last rays across the treetops and through her hair, highlighting her dark chocolate tones with streaks of burgundy. Like the finest wines of Lycanos.

The Crystal Moon Curse: Book 5: TAKENWhere stories live. Discover now