Chapter 3.01

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Maya and Carina got up for their wedding dance, which was From This Moment On by Shania Twain and Bryan White.

They danced forehead to forehead in subdued light, the room lit only by spotlights
spotlights along the walls. Each with one hand on the back of the other's neck and the opposite hand on the small of the other's back.
As well as dancing, Maya sang the words to her wife, making her cry with joy, making them both cry with joy.

-"ti amo per sempre" Carina had whispered against her wife's lips.

/end of flashback/

This had been Maya's last vision before her heart stopped.

*-"Hey there, who are you?
*But I recognize you... I finally see you, Charlie."

*-"Hello Maya"

*-"am I dead?"

*-"no. Not yet."

*-"are you an angel?"

*-"something like that."

*-"you're still a little boy?"

*-"you «know» me like that. People always prefer to see those they once knew as the last memory they have of them. I know that's the image you have of me. But now I'm taller."

*-"You're so handsome... Jordan looks just like you"

*-"She's my little sister... I don't like it when she cries."

Maya had turned her head and saw Jordan lying down, her arms wrapped around her face. Carina who was still giving her CPR.

*-"if I'm not dead then why-"

*-"you stopped breathing."

The blonde had turned her head towards Charlie. His eyes were fixed on Carina.

*-"she misses you every day. She loves you so much."

*-"just because she doesn't see me doesn't mean I'm not there... But... I miss her too."

The firefighters from nineteen had arrived. Jack had put his arms around Carina and Andy had picked up Jordan. Then Travis had come over to the Italian and Maya had been loaded onto a stretcher.

*-"Are you coming?" Charlie asked, extending his hand towards Maya.

*-I want to stay with my wife and daughter.

*-"no. You can't go with them... You have to come with you. If you stay with mamma, then you won't survive."

*-"but you said that..."

*-"that you weren't dead, but that you'd stopped breathing. You have to stay with your body. Otherwise it's all over."

Maya had looked at her wife before taking the little boy's hand and following her body outside.
The Medic One team had arrived on the scene.

-"We'll take it from here" said one of the doctors, replacing Dean for cardiac massage.

They had put Maya in their ambulance. A nurse had cut off her clothes while cardiac massage was still in progress.

- "How long has she been down?" Another of the doctors asked Jack.

-"At least four minutes."

-Thank you. We'll take her to Grey Sloan."

Jack had closed the doors.

- "We have to get the fetuses out of her belly or no one will survive." Said the doctor performing cardiac massage.

A nurse had cleaned Maya's belly. The doctor who had asked Jack about the cardiac arrest had retrieved the necessary supplies and wasted no more time. He had made an incision in Maya's belly. All the way around her navel.
One of the little girls had been taken out.

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