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"You are my... one and only thought."

-Arthur Conan Doyle



He's dead

     Just those two words made Nick's heart drop. His eyes widened, his mouth dropped open slightly, and his eyes pricked with tears. He never met Oliver, he didn't even know Charlie had a brother, but he knew Charlie.

     He knew that he was the most loveliest; deserving of love; kindest person. He knew that Charlie didn't deserve to lose someone so close, especially at such a young age of seventeen. A single, stray tear collapsed from it's hold and traipsed down Nick's cheek.


I am so so sorry Charlie

Are you ok?

Is your family ok?

You can talk to me

If you want

Just to get stuff off your chest

Ik it must be really hard

     Nick rambled on to Charlie, just hoping to console him in some way. But Nick himself was still in a state of shock, so he didn't exactly realise that he's probably not helping at all right now.


I'm rambling

Txt me when you can

When you want

If you want xx

     Yes. He did it again. The kisses. I know, so sweet. But to be frank, Nick wasn't paying attention to what he was  sending. He was just trying to help his hurting friend in any way he could. Nick could only begin to imagine losing a brother, it just seems so hard and sad, that it's unreal. Even though he did not necessarily have the best relationship with his older brother,David, he would dread to lose him. He's family after all.


Hope your ok 

* * * * * * *

     That last message was sent close to a fortnight ago now, only read, not replied too. To say Nick was worried was an understatement. He hadn't known Charlie all that long, literally two weeks, but that didn't stop the unsteady feeling that settled in his stomach every time he thought of the boy. And he thought of him pretty much every minute, so the feeling had become familiar, doesn't mean he enjoys it.

     Nick just wanted to speak to him again, wether over phone, or in person. He wanted to hear his gentle voice and happy giggle that could cheer anyone up instantly. That's what Nick needed, he needed to know Charlie was happy.



I know it's short, and kinda bad, but there's not really much I can do from Nick's P.O.V. right now.

Hope you liked it anyway!

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