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"I can't see anything I don't like about you."

-Joel Barish (Jim Carrey)



Anyways, Charlie Spring, tell me more about you?

     Immediately, a million thoughts came crashing into Charlie's head, swatting away all tranquility mind. Like waves hitting against the sea walls and eroding at the rocks. Should he tell Nick about all the stuff with his past or is that not important? Charlie did feel close enough to Nick already to be able to share this stuff but it could seem a bit.. strange to just say your entire life story. He should probably just stick to the basics. Like being gay! Wait. No. That's a bit weird to just say straight up. Maybe he should do the same as Nick and be all interview-y?! How about he jus-

     Charlie's decision making - that was getting no where - was cut short by another ping of his phone. 


Sry! I do wanna know more about you but Henry just pooed on my carpet and I gotta clean it up 😞

Txt me later. Or if you're asleep we'll txt tmr.


Haha no worries, I'll probably be asleep so I'll speak to you tmr.

     Charlie lied. He's not normally asleep till about 3am, when he physically can't keep his eyes open anymore.



     The Truham boy laughed at Nick's message. Although it was childish, Charlie thought it was cute.



     Don't get him wrong, he did want to chat with Nick, hell he loved chatting with Nick, but Charlie did not no how to answer Nick's inquiry without being a complete, socially awkward, idiot.

     So he left it at that, set his phone down, and lay on his back staring at the ceiling.

     Countless thoughts were turning in his brain. He knew he had fallen for the blonde, it was obvious to him. He had never connected with someone that fast. It felt like the friendship they had was unbreakable, even though they had just met and only talked briefly, Charlie felt as though Tao and Aled, his other friends, were pathetic excuses compared to Nick.


     Reality hit.

     He doesn't even know Nick's sexuality. For all he knows, he could be the straightest man to ever exist, or the gayest man to ever exist, or just somewhere on that spectrum. 

     The reality hit that Charlie is getting his hopes too high. He's doing it again.

     In school he made the same mistake, it did not turn out well.

     And now he was doing the same with Nick. Why? Why would he put himself through this pain? He learnt his lesson with Ben! And now he's doing it again with someone who he cares for the most out of everyone! But why!? They only just met! Honestly Charlie! Get your act together! You can't be doing this again!

* * * * * * *

     Charlie awoke to a direct sun beam hitting his eyes through the blind. He glanced at the alarm clock beside him and winced again at the bright digits revealing the time as 9:47am.

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