havehope: i still have all of them which one shall i wear?

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havehope: i still have all of them which one shall i wear?

martin 1.o: the first one definetely wear like a blue blazer over it 

martin 1.o: i don't doubt jolene has one

petal: no wear the last one you'll look so rich and swag - also you with black hair????? your vibes were so different 10 years ago

havehope: am i the only one who thought the middle outfit?

martin 1.o: nahh

petal: thats the least swag one 

petal: cute

petal: too simple though

petal: we're not going for a walk in the shopping centre

havehope: im gonna wear the first one

havehope: and guess what i think i have sa special DETAIL for the outfit

havehope: and guess what i think i have sa special DETAIL for the outfit

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havehope: these earrings

havehope: aren't they just the cutest thing ever?????????????????

petal: omggggggg

petal: where did you obtain those????

marty 1.o: 'obtain'

havehope: 'obtain'

havehope: stop stealing my insults >-<

marty 1.o: i literally got there first

petal: @havehope @marty1.o  s-sowy >_< (this message was deleted)


marty 1.o: U PICK ME DONT TURN INTO MELISSA MAN *skull emoji x3*

petal: YOU GUYS CAN'T EVEN TAKE A JOKE CAN YOU *crying emoji x3*

petal: hey hope r u ever gonna dye ur hair back?

havehope: idk

havehope: blonde hair is getting rly popular nowadays

havehope: like i wanna keep in with the trends but be different at the same time ifykyk

petal: no i do not know how is that even possible

havehope: it's possible because i'm gonna make it possible ; p

petal: oddity...

AUTHORS NOTE: i actually don't remember what time the party is??? 8? 9? it actually doesn't matter but i would appreciate it if you guys could tell me when the party is because i don't remember

18 hours later....

xoxo gossip girls

06/09/74 - 11:30pm

marty 1.o: where are you hope

petal: i've been looking for her as well

missy: looks like you missed your mudblood brat getting humbled

missy: [video.jpg]

Jolene blinked at the video as it popped and the screen, taking a second to process the blurry cover, recognising the two people on it as Hope and Melissa, as well as a crowd of almost the whole party (where was Marty and Jolene when this had happened?). 

Jolene hurriedly  tapped on the video, wanting to see what happened, the person who was holding the camera was holding it at a landscape, holding the phone over the crowd, loads of people murmuring quietly.

In the middle of the circle stood Hope and Missy, Missy had a big chunk of Hope's hair (which had somehow had come out of its bun) in her hand and was saying something that wasn't audible over the murmuring of the other people.

Jolene rolled her eyes urging them in her head to shut up.  God her head was killing her, she had had to much to drink and melissas attitude wasn't helping with her headache.  

In the video Hope roughly pushed Missy away and threw her hair over her shoulder and crossed her arms.

"At least my husband isn't having an affair behind my back," she said primly. Hope was taller than Missy and much more intimidating than short innocent faced Missy who could basically be an angel if it weren't for her sharp tongue and cold heart.  Hope stared down at Missy, one eyebrow raised as if challenging her to keep speaking. If Jolene was in Missy's place, she would've probably caved ages ago, if not now.

But Missy's face hadn't changed from its usual smirk and that smirk melted into a grin so big she could've been mistaken for the cheshire cat.

"What makes you so sure?" she said crossing her own arms and looking Hope up and down like she was old gum that she had scraped off the bottom of her shoes.

Hope chuckled  "I saw him sneaking around with some girl, they looked more than friendly...but I don't suppose you would know what a friend looked like, you probably have met plenty, but then mistaken them for slaves,"

Missy laughed shrilly "Oh your cute I might just have to slap a bow on your head and put you in a glass box to display. [Hope rolled her eyes in disgust] but I wasn't asking if you're sure about my husband, I already know he's seeing someone else, I was asking if you were sure about your husband not having an affair."

Jolene clapped a hand over her mouth and almost dropped the phone. No way Lyall had cheated on her...? For how long? He'd been acting weird or rude but Jolene would never had put it above him to play with Hope's heart like that. Jolene had always been sure that he knew better than that.

Missy had to be joking right?

"You're just rambling and you know that," Hope said, lips trembling, arms falling to her sides, hands fidgeting.

"Aw thats cute. I may be a la but I'm not a liar," Missy said twirling a strand of hair around her finger

"Okay say if you were right. Who would Lyall have an affair with huh? Who would even choose anyone over me? They'd have to be lke pretty amazing" Hope laughed

"You're right, the girl is pretty amazing, you wanna know who? You're looking at her."

Hope laughed weakly "Shut up,"

"Ooh i get why he left you, you're very mouthy aren't you, no one likes a girl like that. Besides, why would i be so happy that my husband left me? Because I get a new one." Missy smiled sweetly at her.

Then Hope stormed out of the room and the phone dropped and the video ended.


oh god i cannot write plot

that was so so short

that was so bad so lets just refrain from plot in the future!

also sorry i haven't posted a while i spose its okay since there isnt rly anyone awaiting my post.

i will try and post the next chapter by next week! 

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