"You!" Kara grabbed her skirt in one hand and stormed over to the ship, grabbing the collar of one of them. 

"Me," he said, smiling up at her.

"You," Kara said again, tightening her grip and twisting the material. 

"Me." He tilted his head, amused at her anger.

Kara released him, dropping him completely. He let Jinx haul him to his feet and bowed with a flourish. 

"Do you too know each other?" Jinx dryly asked.

"Blade here could tell you all about it." Kara's chin lifted as she turned away from them.

"You know my name isn't Blade." He sighed. "It's Victor."

"Do you think I care after what you did do me?" Kara huffed.

A knife suddenly embedded itself in the wall next to Kara's head, shearing the end of her braid off. He balanced another one on the tip of his finger, glaring at her. "What I did to you?"

"You were the one who cheated on me!" Kara grabbed the knife sticking out of the wall and brandished it at him. 

"Because I thought you were dead! You vanished one night and I didn't hear from you for months!" Victor stabbed at her chest, but she grabbed his arm and swung him around so he missed.

"I ran away because you tried to kill me!" Kara squeezed his wrist and he dropped the knife. She caught it with her other hand and brought it down on his shoulder.

Jinx knocked it out of the way with her staff. "You two obviously have a history, and we have a show in three hours. I can't have you killing my bladesmaster right before a performance."

"Just let me stab him a little," Kara pleaded. "Just a tiny little stab!"

"No." Jinx kissed Victor's cheek fondly. "In fact, you can join the show!"

"I don't really want to," Kara responded with a look of disgust.

"I wasn't really asking." Jinx cocked her head with a pout. "Most of our group doesn't want to be here, in fact."

Kara opened her mouth to respond but couldn't get the words out as something hit the back of her head, and she passed out.

"What do we do now?" Fives asked, staring at the spot where Kara had just been.

"There's no way we can catch up with that thing," Echo logically said. "So we might have to go back to the pirates."

"We can get a speeder or something to catch up with," Anakin said, nodding along.

"I'm sure they'll agree when we tell them what happened," Rex said, not confident in his words at all.

So they began the long trek back to the pirates, surprised when they saw a circus set up to entertain them. Dozen of acrobats spun through the air, with others walking across tightropes above spikes.

"That seems dangerous," Anakin remarked as someone swallowed a sword.

"I'm sure it's fine. They're trained professionals," Echo assured him.

"I'd hate to be one of the people up there." Fives pointed to the acrobats leaping through the air.

"Again, they're trained professionals," Echo reminded him.

Then someone missed their landing and tumbled below, impaling themselves on a spike.

They all stared at the body before Rex asked, "How much training do you think they have?"

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