'It's now or never..'



It was overwhelming and loud, and it felt like sweet revenge from the hell she had endured. Every time a bit of blood splattered, every time she slaughtered it felt like she was healing a bit of herself she thought she'd lost. People were trying to escape to no avail. Y/n was going to murder every last one of them, even if they were family and there was nothing they could do.

When her katana made contact with flesh of another, slicing clean through, a small flash of pleasure cut through the numbness that had taken over her mind. If the bloody landscape didn't make you think the deaths were painful the intense screams of the dead would. Killing in a slow-like motion, so the others could cower in fear knowing sooner or later.

They were next.

Y/n stood there surround by death. Death she has caused. When she imagined this in the past, Y/n thought the screams would be the thing that disturbed her the most. They didn't. All they did was make her feel like what she was doing was right, and she knows it was the right thing to do. But the silence? That she quickly realised would haunt her. It truly showed the contrast between life and death.

Covered in blood that wasn't her own Y/n walked away from these people not sparing a glance at the things she once called 'family'.

Walking through the night in her school uniform after the massacre was not very smart of her, trying to hide her identity with a black mask was all she could come up with. She had no idea what to do. Looking inside her bag : a few cursed tools she stole, her black card, things from her dorm and the remaining money she could find around the Gojo Clan.

'Is there anyone left that's here for me?'

"Oh yeahhh, SHINICHIRO!!"


(August 14th 2003)

'I hate training so much..'

Pushing the negative thought aside Y/n remembers that she still has Shinichiro and made the decision to walk to the S.S Motor to visit her friend. 'Wait, THATS ALL THE WAY IN SHIBUYA?! IM NOT WALKING THERE! Oh wait, i can just teleport. Sillyy.'


'Ahh it feels nice being back in Shibuya. Im going to walk the rest, now which direction was it again? I think it was left? Nah isn't it right-' Cutting her train of thoughts, police cars were seen speeding in the direction of her destination. 'Ohhh it's straight ahead- WAIT. Why are they going in the same direction as me?! Don't tell me something happened, scrap this no time for walking. We got to teleport again!'

Seeing the sign 'S.S Motor' she ran in without a second thought not expecting to see Shinichiro on the floor with a bleeding head. Ignoring the kids Y/n made her way to Shinichiro checking for a pulse.

"WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED HERE?!" Y/n glared at the two kids. Receiving no answer Y/n rolled her eyes and picked Shinichiro up. "H-HEY WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" A kid with fangs shouted. "I'm going to save him obviously."

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