Chapter 1

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Flowertail blinked blankly at him for a few long seconds before snarling as she felt her hackles rise.


"Yes, me." Menace shrugged indifferently, and Flowertail tried to ignore the stinging feeling jn her chest.

Doesn't he remember me?

Instantly, Flowertail crushed the feeling.

It doesn't matter if he doesn't.

Behind Menace, a sleek black she cat with ginger ear tips and tail tip emerged from the bush.

Flowertail immediately smashed the prickling envy in her paws.

"You know this loner?" Rosepetal sounded mildly suspicious. 

"Unfortunately." Flowertail hissed.

"Nyx, this is Flowerkit," Menace flicked his tail at Flowertail.

"You know very well I'm not a kit anymore!" Flowertail hissed.

"Well with that attitude I certainly thought so," Menace shrugged again.

"Enough. You're on our territory." Rosepetal interrupted.

"I can shred him for you if you like." Flowertail glared at him.

"You can try." Menace smiled.

Rosepetal frowned sternly at Flowertail before turning to Menace.

"What are you doing here?"

"My sister is giving birth soon," Menace started.

"We noticed," Flowertail snorted drily.

"And she needs a safe place to give birth." Menace explained, ignoring Flowertail.

Rosepetal narrowed her eyes thoughtfully then flicked her tail. "We'll ask Bramblestar about this, then."

"I hope he's in one of his moods," Flowertail muttered, her fur still bristling.

If Menace heard her, he didn't respond. Nyx was walking beside him, her pelt brushing his as she narrowed her eyes at Flowertail.

Flowertail narrowed her eyes back and  flicked her tail disdainfully.

At the camp, Bramblestar was in his den, so Rosepetal hurried up to fetch him while the rest of the patrol guarded Menace and Nyx.

Menace's tail tip was twitching nervously, and Nyx was staring down at her paws. 

"What are you doing here?" Bramblestar rumbled as he stopped in front of Menace and Nyx.

"My sister's kits are coming soon, and she needs somewhere safe to give birth." Menace explained.

Bramblestar eyed Menace's collar full of dog claws and teeth.

"You don't look like ordinary warriors."

Neither Menace nor Nyx responded.

Bramblestar growled. "ThunderClan is home to ThunderClan cats, not loners."

Apparently it's  home to pieces of dox dung too.

"Leaf-bare is coming," Flowertail mewed.

I can't believe I'm defending Menace of all cats.

"He could hunt for us in exchange for us allowing Nyx and him to stay."

Flowertail struggled not to run out of camp as Bramblestar glared straight at her with furious amber eyes. Then, as if a thought had suddenly occurred to him, Bramblestar nodded.

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