Glass: well said

Glass launched magic projectiles.

Naofumi blocked it and fire bursts from his shield, hitting Glass head on but it was ineffective.

Glass: you can do better than that

Ryuji charged at Glass.

Ryuji: "Hunter Slash"!

Ryuji swung his sword as fast as he could but Glass parried all of his strikes.

Glass: too slow

Glass shattered Ryuji's sword then struck him in the gut and sent him flying towards the mountain.

Naofumi: Ryuji!!

Glass: that was disappointing. I assumed that you were at least stronger than the minions

Purple light formed in the shape of a blade at Glass' fan.

Glass points at Ryuji and Naofumi immediately rushes to protect him

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Glass points at Ryuji and Naofumi immediately rushes to protect him.

Glass: rupture stance rondo, tortoiseshell cracker

Glass fired a purple beam at Ryuji.

Naofumi was able to arrive in time to block the attack, however, Glass' spell pierced through his defense.

Naofumi: (her attack just penetrated my shield's defense!?)

Glass: interesting... even that isn't enough to bring you down. if nothing else your defense lives up to your title, hero. Still though... it seems that those flames of yours will only activate when attacked

Naofumi: Ryuji I'm running out of tricks to pull, Do any ideas?

Ryuji closed his eyes and began racking his brain when suddenly words appeared in his vision and his weapon started to glow brighter.

Ryuji: we use our strongest attack

Naofumi eyes Ryuji's weapon and then faces Glass.

Naofumi: Got it

Glass: what's this? If you have another trick then show me

Naofumi: "Shield Prison"!

Naofumi trapped Glass in his skill and then started chanting the spell for the "Iron Maiden".

Ryuji: "Summon"! Tigrex!

Avalanche appeared next to Ryuji.

Ryuji: let's go Avalanche

Avalanche: *Roar*

Ryuji got on Avalanche and began Scaling up the mountain.

Ryuji: As we claw our path the earth shall tremble, as our voice echoes like an eruption and dread fills the land...

Once Naofumi finished his spell, Glass broke free.

Once Naofumi finished his spell, Glass broke free

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