"I totally agree, guys, everything that people see on TV is like cake walk, you guys make this sport look so effortless and easy." Logan says.

"But it's not, at all." Leanne states.

"Its really not," Logan agrees.

"I mean the amount of training I see you do and you aren't even a full time wrestler I can't imagine what your schedule is like." Mike adds.

"Oh its crazy." Leanne nods.

"Take us through that, like what is the walk through of being a full time wrestler, especially a female wrestler like yourself." George inquires.

"So what we do, since there are two brands, so raw I would go to raw on Mondays, handle like press work Tuesdays, usually on Wednesdays we have live events and Thursday is only day off before traveling to the next city, repeat. So for me being apart of a faction too, we kind somewhat of an ease since we're together all the time, but you know what happened to Jesse and Stacy so we aren't seeing them for a bit." She explains.

"Does it ever become too much for you?" George asks.

"Not really, me I love to work, my friends tell me I'm a workaholic, so when I get down and focused on my craft I kind of just stay on that and I'm good." She answers.

"What about your spouse or wait- do you even have a boyfriend or husband?" Logan asks. 

"Uh, no, I do not." 

"Are you kidding me!" Logan says in shock. 

"I mean I could fill in that space for you." Mike adds. 

"I'm good thanks, I just don't really see myself with anyone right now so." Leanne replies. 

"Wait, how old are you?" Logan then asks. 

"You don't just ask someone how old they are man." George jokes. 

"Oh, i just wanted to know." Logan replies. 

"No, its fine, I'm twenty seven, i don't need to be locked down with anybody right now." The champion replies. 

"But, uh, if you were to choose between any of us, who, who would you pick?" Mike asks. 

"What do you mean pick?" Leanne asks. "Like to be with?" 

"Yeah." Logan and mike nods. 

"uh, do I have to answer that, its a pretty weird question."

"I mean its not that weird, its who would you date out of the three of us." Mike pushes. 

"It's also a question that she doesn't need to answer if she doesnt want to." George steps in saying. 

"Right, thank you, i was gonna be like, are you tryna force me to answer this like..."

"Oh, no, no, no! i was just curious that's all." Mike says.

"I'm curious about something, its kind of similar but not really." Logan says. 

"Alright go ahead shoot." Leanne nods. 

"I love how you kinda just ask her if you could even ask the question." Mike laughs.

"I kinda have to I'm sitting across from a champion right here, gotta show her the respect man." Logan replies. 

"You're a champion too i see you with your US Title, propped up and pretty there." Leanne motions to the United States championship on the table. 

"Yeah, i gotta show it off, Ben working hard for that, but uh, you told us about you're schedule and how that all goes but when it come to going out there for a promo or a match I've asked this before and I've always heard like so many methods to preparing for it, s so what's that like for you?" Logan asks.

"I like to keep my mind calm before I go out, so after I get ready I would usually just do some warms up and then say a quick prayer, for myself, my opponents, you know thank God for everything up to that point and more." She states.

"Are you like religious?" Logan asks.

"I believe in Christianity, I grew up in a catholic church and as I got older I learned more about Jesus and made an actual deep connection with him so I can't not give him credit for getting me here." She responds, a huge smile on her face as she thought about why she gave her life to Christ in the first place.

"That is so beautiful." George commends.

"George finally has someone he could relate to here." Mike laughs.

"What do you mean?" Leanne raises an eyebrow.

"I gave my life to Christ also." George says to her.

"Really? That's amazing, you know that just gave me so much comfort cause like I kind of can tell you know people's spirit or energy I guess." She says.

"Oh you mean decernment." George nods.

"Yes! Decernment." She nods answering.

"Wait, wait, what is that?" Logan asks.

"Discernment is one of the gifts of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the part of God that lives in us because there are 3 parts of him, God the father, God the son and God the Holy Spirit. Discernment is one of the gifts you can pray for, there are a few of them I don't remember the exact, but there's Discernment, power to speak in tongues, power to interpret tongues, prophetic gifts etc. Discernment allows us to tell between what is good and what is evil, it allows you to judge well and know basically "this is not what you should be doing."" Leanne explains.

"And living in a world when you're not of the world is very hard to get through, so praying to be able to decern between good and evil helps you to avoid a lot of things that are not for you." She continues.

As the conversation continues about Jesus Christ, the segment time ended and Leanne would have to go.

"I loved this conversation with you, honestly, about your wrestling life, your walk with Christ it is so good to know that they're are people that are a star like yourself be actual good human beings." George tells her.

"It is rare now a days but they are a lot of us out there." Leanne says.

"Before I leave, I wanna finish this with a prayer, if you guys don't mind."

With the two hosts though non-believers, agreeing, they huddled in a closer group, joining handed as Leanne adjust the mic to her lips.

The room was quiet, each host had their eyes closed, every producer, makeup artist or bystander with their hands join in silence.

Bowing her head, the young woman spoke, "Father, we come in prayer today to give thanks, for guiding us through life and putting us in the position of success, that through the trial we all faced that you stayed beside us always. Father, I pray that each and every person in this room, sees you and grow to love you as you are our father, our savior, our Lord. Let us know the truth and you sent your son Jesus Christ to die on the cross, making us free of sin and allowing us to repent in all of it. I pray that as we walk through this life that we remain covered under the blood of Jesus, that when we open our mouths to speak your word nothing, but the truth comes out. I pray for Logan that he turns to you with love in his heart, that Mike grows to love you and that you strengthen the faith and trust that George has in you. Cover us under the blood of Jesus and let us walk our life for you, with you as your children. Walking by faith and not sight, in Jesus name we pray, amen." With everyone echoing on the amen the prayer concluded, and Leanne said her goodbye to the hosts and the crew leaving the set for her meet and greet.

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