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" Mom "

" Yes beta " Mom said serving in dad's plate.

" I.... I told bhavya to resign. " I said I don't know if mom will like it or not.

" Yeah take care of her in college if she complains about anything then I will beat you with my slipper.

" Raghav I've decided to do dieting do you want to join me "

I roll my eyes listening to mom. Again mom and dad will argue about it.

" No honey you look fabulous. Let's go to fair tomorrow we will eat a lot . " Dad said pulling mom's cheeks. I chuckle looking at my orange juice.

I totally forgot about her. She wanted orange juice with ice. Where is she. How long will she take in the washroom.

After waiting for more five minutes for her she finally join us.

" Here your orange juice with ice. " I said and pass juice glass to her.

Her eyes twinkle with happiness. How can this petty things make her happy.

" Mom dad can you two stop now "

" He is jealous of us " Dad mumble which I hear but ignore them and concentrate in my food.

We all hear an ice crushing sound . I turn my face towards bhavya ok I'm not alone mom dad too did the same.

" Bhavya don't tell me you are eating ice. " Mom said glaring at her. Within a second mom's expression changed . Now she glate at me.

" Ice Deepak"

" Yeah she wanted to drink orange juice with ice so I gave her. " I said mom look at dad probably telling him I'm stupid.

" If she fall sick then I will see you Deepak. Bhavya throw that ice. Have your dinner."

" Deepak give her a glass of warm milk." Dad said I nodded my head.

A minute later they all again hear a crushing sound of ice.

" Bhavya " I said sternly. She glup down looking down.

" Sorry "

" Bhavya finish it then we can go to our room. "

After dinner I was sitting on my bed completing bhavya admission procedure.

" Come here I'm not saying anything to you. You don't have to hide yourself with this blanket. "

I pulled her blanket from her in this process my hand touched a soft thing. I again touch it.

" S.. Stop "

Oh.. Am I an idiot of course she is a girl and she is sleeping. I thought I was touching her waist.

" Sorry come here let me tell you your schedule. Look every teacher knows you are my wife . Because most of the teachers from college were present in wedding. Students don't know about it so don't tell them. "

She hmm sitting while wrapping her blanket around herself.

" What happen give some verbal response. " I ask and remove blanket from her face. Her eyes were teary she was biting her lips.

" What happen "

"Kids.. Will miss m.. Me. And... Mom scold me. " She said I pull her to me shaking my head.

" Mom didn't scold you ok nor I so stop crying. "

" Look at this screen this is your schedule. First you have class with Mishra sir he taught you income tax . The second lecture will be with Deepak Agnihotri I will teach you human resources and management principles . Fourth will be with Ms Sudha she will teach you E-commerce The last will be with Daksh he will teach you business statistics. Timing can be change.

" So many subject.... Can I skip some lecture. "

" Of any lecture get cancel then you can come home ok. Now sleep don't skip any class and.... Be careful don't cause trouble. If you feel uncomfortable then go to HOD office I will come in just five minutes. "

" You are HOD? " She ask looking up. I again turn her face to screen.

" Daksh is.. And he will not stop you. He is my cousin. And you don't have to be nervous or anything . Now sleep. "


They sleep on each side of bed.

Deepak keeps tossing on his side not able to sleep properly.

After some more minutes he felt a hand on his back since he was laying on his stomach.

He turn his face towards a beautiful face .

He trace my finger on her lips then her  cheeks. His hand automatically reach to the back of her neck.

He pulled her by her neck. His lips rested on her lips for a minute.

Bhavya heart pick up a speed. She try to control her heartbeat with tightly close eyes.

" You are holding your breath " Deepak whisper sensually.

" Sorry.... You should sleep " Deepak said feeling stupid.

" Why did I kiss her.. She told me on first day she want to wait. How can I losse my self-control just in one month. She will take me as pervert person. "

He was in his thought when he felt her hand on his stomach again.

" Y.... Y.. You... You... Ca.. Can.. K.. Ki..

Deepak turn to her side attaching his lips with her again. He keep moving his lips she stay still just feeling him. First time her lips were touched by other lips. She hold his shirt tightly.

" We should sleep now. " He said she nodded her head not going to other end on bed she cling to him . Deepak chuckle covering them in one blanket.

" Kiss is normal between husband and wife you know that right. "

" It.. It's is.. Normal for.. Girlfriend and boyfriend too...my friends do that.. With.. Their.. Boyfriend. " She completed not meeting his eyes.

" You had any boyfriend? " Deepak ask rising his eyebrows.

She shook her head hiding her face into his chest.

" You? "

Deepak nodded his head not wanting to lie.

" 2 .. First one was serious second was just forced by friends. Second one teach in college... In your class too... "

" So you had your.. First kiss before. " She said little angry.

Deepak nodded his head making her sad.

" So... You had... S.. You know what happen between husband and wife. "

Deepak fall into deep thought. He decided for a minute then open his mouth.

" I touch her but we never did the deed. We were planning on getting married... So I did touch her... See her.... Let's not talk about this. I will be loyal to you don't doubt me. " He said bhavya look little upset but nodded her head.

She take his hand and put it over her chest pouting.

" N..now.... O.. On.. Only t.. To... Touch me."

" Now i will just touch you. I will only love you fight with you pull your legs kiss you.. Only you I know that. " He said hugging her but still doubting himself if he can actually love her like he once did. If he will be able to trust her.


My First Of Everything Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora