invisible strings

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(not my artwork) but how I imagine Bo before she chopped off her hair and still wore princess clothes.

Bo-katan jolted awake from her nightmare. She could feel the sweat dotted along her brows and her clothes sticking to her body and she took in her surroundings. She had been re-living the events of the previous month every single night in her sleep, hardly having restful nights since her sister left. She couldn't believe how easy it was for the two men in cloaks to come and take her own sister away in the blink of an eye without either of the girls having a say in the matter. Satine didn't want to go. She wanted to stay and take care of Bo, she wanted to protect her, at least that's what Bo hoped. Bo never did get an explanation from her sister as to why Bo was unable to join her and the jet'ii. Satine was all Bo had left since both of her parents passed away. Thats part of the reason why Satine had to leave, For her safety. But Bo didn't understand. Why couldn't they take me too? why did they take my sister for an entire year and leave me alone in this palace with nobody but servants, caretakers, and protectors? Am I not worth protecting? Bo already didn't trust the jet'ii, she heard stories all her life from her Buir about how the jet'ii and the Mandalorian people would fight and go to war with each other for decades on end. Now what? she was just supposed to let them take her sister away and be ok with it? Bo was so deep in thought she didn't notice two servants of the castle come bustling in to get her up for the day.

She was snapped out of her thoughts when one of the maids laid a warm tray on her lap. The large bowl of boiled mealgrain and a side of biscuits filled her nose making her stomach rumble. "be mindful not to spill, my lady, it's very hot" the older one warned. " Thank you Dai-ana" Bo said groggily, she applied pressure with her fingers to her neck because her nightmares were causing her to toss and turn in the night and she was paying for it during the day. Bo repositioned herself to sit upright carefully trying not to spill any mealgrain on herself. She noticed the younger maid laying out her dress for the day and pairing it with shoes as she did every morning. It seemed to be the highlight of her day. She did have a knack for it Bo could admit. Bo didn't know her name just yet, She was a new addition to the staff. Bo just knew that every morning she awoke she could count on finding this girl rummaging through her closet. The strange girl wasn't much older than Bo. She looked to be about 15 years old. Long, black, loosely curled hair bounced as she moved and her face was always so serious. This girl must not have understood what it means to be comfortable because in the beginning of this wardrobe arrangement the mystery maid would pick outfits fully based on looks. Bo quickly learned to rearrange her closet so the most comfortable pieces were in the front and the most itchy or uncomfortable things were tucked away in dark corners. 

Bo-katan finished her breakfast quickly, got dressed, and brushed out her long straight copper hair. With nothing else to do but wander around sluggishly, Bo-katan became very familiar with every hallway and room in the entire palace. It was nothing like their smaller home on Kalevala she thought. But quickly decided to distract herself with other thoughts because thinking about her home on Kalevala made her think too much about Satine and her Parents, all of that was too painful at the moment. The surroundings were still new. Bo and Satine had just moved in to the palace on mandalore right before Satine was whisked away. The hallways were much colder here, in temperature and in general. The dark grey stone was unwelcoming. Even the throne itself was uncomfortable. She didn't understand how her sister could sit in it for hours on end. Bo technically wasn't supposed to sit on the throne but what else was there to do. Even if She wasn't taken along with the jet'ii and her sister, she was still on somewhat of a lockdown. She wasn't allowed to go out and play with other children unsupervised, however Bo, being a teenager, found that mortifying so she spent her days wondering the halls and rooms instead. As she rounded a corner she bumped into Fenn Rau. "Hey kiddo, where are you off to in such a rush" He asked sarcastically, noticing that a Hutt could beat her in a race at her current pace. "Probably the library I Dunno." Bo was staring at the floor switching her balance from one foot to the other. Fenn took pity in her boredom and did something that could potentially cost him his job but he had taken a liking to the princess, so he decided to go for it anyways, "Did Satine ever teach you how to use a blaster?" Fenn chuckled as he asked. Bo's head shot up at the mention of a blaster and she shook her head no, staring at him with wide eyes and a smirk. "tell ya what kiddo, let me finish some reports I have to do and meet me in field B2 at 2:00.

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