chapter 4

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just after the Barn was burned down, the beggars and William fled to the woodlands not far from the Village. upon arrival the silent forest turned to cries of despair and lost hope from the beggars have finally, and truly , lost everything from the Red guards cruelty. William sits down to contemplate what to do next now the beggars are homeless again with even less items to survive on.

William, still shocked from this terrible event began organizing the beggars in terms of age, state of illness and so on. Then Kirsch says " it's no use William...we will simply die out in some hole like the Village wanted" in the most depressing tone William had ever heard before. Without warning William slapped Kursk in the face that shocked the group with a gasp and held their breath for anticipation.

" People! we are victims for a crime for simply existing as people that  are down on their luck! How can you all just accept this as fact while the richest men and women enjoy their wealth and luxury which none of us have!"

"what does the rich got to do with us?" asked a young beggar.

" because they pay the Red guard to do terrible things! things that harm the people from wealth and hard labors to our very land that they claim is theirs!" William responded with his hands raised in a dramatic pose.

As William finished his ( somewhat mediocre ) rallying speech to raise the spirits of the poor and unfortunate. Kursk seems resigned with his fate but everyone else seems to follow Williams lead. Before long William starts again organizing the people from the youngest and most active to the old and sick. 

He assigned the most active of the group to start hunting and gathering for food without question. As for the old he tasked them on crafting rags, some blankets and other necessities that they had on hand. Before long the young hunters came back with little luck on meat and game but were plenty lucky on rich fruits , nuts and some decent fish from the  nearby creek. The children even snuck back into town and stole some wool, good blankets and even some loaves of bread. By days end the Beggars group begun to rest for the once terrible day to the most productive they had in years.

The following day, William starts giving tasks to the group such as children gathering the wandering poor and beggars that are left in the Village or roads. Everyone else must either hunt or craft necessary items such as clothes, blankets and even baskets. By mid-day the group grew from two dozen to nearly thirty just from the village and hard work alone. Unlike the day before there was some good game like Rabbits and some Squirrels that were successfully hunted even some more fish.

This process continued for some days, despair turned to joy and once the group was big enough William directed the rather group to a better location. Where William led the now forty odd  beggars to is a small glade near the creek with tall trees surrounding the Glade and some materials to build some shelter. Bows and arrows were also made for hunting ,even some built stone knives and spears for skinning meat and ( if necessary) self defense against intruders. Soon this small glade included a rather large fire, some tents made from hide or stolen blankets and even a rack to store hunting gear and some improvised weapons. 

William then decided, after a couple weeks since the fire, to form a Union to combat the way this world works. Especially to defeat the growing threat of the Valka empire. After gathering the group he says " Everyone! i believe it is time to form a Union!" the reaction he expected is met with confusion, curiosity and even expressions of either joy or a confused anger which William couldn't tell.

" What the fuck's a Union?" said one of the newest members of the group though a bit rough in terms of manners.

" Glad you asked my dear friend! a Union is a form of coalition against Capitalism! you see the reason why we are like this is because the Kings and their vassals enjoy the fruits of our labor while they give us scraps to survive! now who here lost their wealth just from an unjust cause?"

The people grow quiet while pondering what William has just said about Capitalism and how to answer his question. then Kirsch spoke up about how he lost his farm and fortune. William chose to continue after that.

" my friends! we must not only reclaim our rights as humans! but our very land and wealth which you as the people have worked on for many generations! while the rich and their goons feed on our collective misery! Now who here agrees that we form a Union?"

uneasiness grew after that question was spoken. They mumbled among themselves  while looking for a answer among the group. Then slowly they start to raise their hands one by one, until all the people, both man and woman, old and young even the children have agreed that they should form the Union. To Williams joy he carefully explains how this will work, from establishing policies regarding equality of both wealth and people ( including gender and sexuality policies which are positive ). course the main issue is who leads the Union which William quickly explains " I shall lead as i was the one who came up with the idea for the Union!" though he silently promised to relinquish his post once his primary goal against the Valka empire is no longer a problem for the people.

In less then a week later, this Union will slowly grow to a productive community in order to prepare for the incoming winter which is fast approaching. William then decided to send runners seeking out the poor and homeless in promise of work and a home to live in. Despite the cramped location of the Glade, William decided to clear out some trees with stone crafted axes to build more homes of tents and even more large fires for more cooking.  But Even William can't control everything so he appointed Kirsch as minster of food and ( future) Agriculture. while still safe for the time being he heard rumor of the Red guard tracking the thieves in regards of stolen items, Thankfully the little thieves William sent are A lot smarter then the Guard.

Slowly the Fall sets in and William must be ready for the Following season of a rather cold winter. Soon with as many trees cut as possible, The young Union began building wooden Huts to sustain themselves for the winter. slowly replacing the tents after weeks of its use , till the Union slowly grew in number from the travelling wanderers and drifters who then decided to settle down in this peaceful glade.

But William knew that in order to prepare for the incoming war with both Kara kingdom and the Valka Empire... and in order to accomplish that he needs an army...and an Army needs weapons to win wars that are yet to begin.

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