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Day Four & Five


I paced my balcony at seven o'clock in the morning, completely restless. I hadn't been able to sleep since I woke up and saw Anntonia walking across our bedroom to the bathroom, bare-ass naked. Again.

At first, I thought it was a one-time, accidental thing. But this last instance was her fifth time within the same hour. She'd looked over her shoulder each time, right at where I was on the couch, and smiled.

Her body was even sexier than I thought, and that was a problem. I'd been restraining myself as best as I could, ever since that staged kiss with the photographer. But if she kept this shit up, I wasn't going to last too much longer.

I wonder what she tastes like ...

I contemplated the thought for several minutes. Then I continued to pace across the balcony.

The main reason why I couldn't sleep was quite obvious, though. I was still wired to the time on Wall Street, still used to waking up at six thirty and starting a day that didn't end until eleven thirty. I wasn't used to starting this many mornings in a row without the sight of Anntonia walking into my office in one of her attention-grabbing dresses, or hearing the raspy sound of her voice over the phone saying, "Good morning, Ms. Dee. I have the updates for you."

I was dreading the string of new executive assistant interviews that Kate was lining up for me when we returned to New York. If her selection of eligible candidates in the past was any indication, I was better off staying here forever and letting my niece run Dee Industries on my behalf.

I debated whether I should call my secretary and assign her the job of piecing together my updates for today, but the sight of Anntonia stepping out onto the balcony in her robe made me lose my train of thought.

"Good morning, Ms. Dee." She smiled at me as she held up her cell phone. "I have today's updates for you."

"I told you that you didn't have to work while we're engaged."

"Well, seeing as though I can't sleep with you out here mumbling 'my goddamn updates' to yourself, I figured this would be best for the both of us."

"I'm listening."

"The Claxton, Yarbrough, and Hamilton deals were all confirmed with flying colors by the board. The finalization papers will be sitting on your desk when you get back, unless you're that impatient and you want me to have someone ship it here overnight for your signature."

"I don't think I'm that impatient."

"Good." She swiped her screen. "So, you won't care that I already booked a flight for an intern to fly them here for you today?"

I smiled.

"Your CFO has held four meetings with the market team as of today, but none of them were essential." She swiped her screen again. "Your PR team is working overtime on the Hensley project, and at some point, this week, you'll need to glance over the hard copy of the updated Rand & Cross proposal that I'll have air-mailed here once it's completed."

"Rand & Cross accepted my first bid?"

"They did." She moved her phone away and motioned for me to follow her back into our suite. "Oh, and The Annual Wall Street Charity Gala has confirmed that you'll be receiving an honor, so expect a visit from your tailor on your first day back in New York."

"Thank you, Anntonia." I resisted the urge to fuck her on the spot and returned to the couch.

"You're very welcome, Ms. Dee. Unfortunately, you'll have to find one hell of a replacement over the next few weeks."

"It's very unfortunate. Is there any way I can convince you to work for me past this contract? You could consider staying for the full four years of your original contract."

"I don't think so."

"What about one more year? Double pay."


"Then what about you stop fucking with me by walking across this room ass-naked every hour in the middle of the night?"

"Why? Are you feeling tempted to kiss me?"

"I'm feeling tempted to fuck you."



Day Six – Nine

Miko: Kate put you up to this sudden, fake family-visit shit, didn't she?

Miko: Just be fucking honest w/ me. Are you and Anntonia real or is this another Kate/Wall Street production for a soulless business deal of yours?

"Give me your phone," Anntonia said, reaching for it as I deleted the latest text from my brother. "We're supposed to be rehearsing the story about how we fell in love today, and all you've done is check your messages."

"All you've done is lounge on my boat for four days straight." I set my phone down and looked at her. She was sprawled on the floor in a bright red sundress, halfway watching Irene tease Milo with a blue yoyo right across from us.

"Me spending three days on your boat is not the point, Michelle."

"Then what is?"

"Watson will be here tomorrow." She adjusted her shades. "And you need to make a good impression so you can close the deal."

"I'm aware."

"Do you already have our love story memorized, then?"

"Not at all," I said. "I'm going to wing it."

"So, you do have it memorized." She laughed and lay on the floor of the boat again, looking up at the sky. "I look forward to hearing your dramatic interpretation."

I stared at her as the sun's rays shone against her face. Against my better judgment, I took a few photos of her with my phone.

"I need to ask you something," I said.

"I'm listening."

"What made you think I was dating Irene?"

"It was all over Page Six, and everyone was talking about it."

"What were they saying?"

"The usual," she said, her voice soft. "That you were clearly in the running for Bachelor of the Year again, and that she was another supermodel notch on your belt."

"How interesting."

"Is it?" She rolled over on her stomach.

"It is."

"Is it true?"

"No." I moved down to the floor, pulling her between my legs. "Surely you knew that already."

"You had quite the reputation when I came to work for you," she said. "I wouldn't be surprised. You can travel whenever and wherever you want, and you can date whoever you want."

"Name one trip over the past year and a half where you weren't with me." I trailed my finger against her lips. "Then name a time when I've mentioned dating someone else to you."

"Well, that doesn't mean anything but ..." She was quiet for several minutes. "I honestly can't think of one."

"Because there honestly isn't one." I pulled her close and kissed her until long after sunset, wishing we were on this damn boat alone.

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