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Day One


I woke up in a cold sweat, feeling as if I'd made the biggest mistake of my life. There was a massive engagement ring on my ring finger, a stack of engagement announcements on my nightstand, and a flock of paparazzi outside my brownstone.

Today was supposed to be the first of thirty for me and Ms. Dee (Well, "Michelle," now that I was her fiancée), and I wasn't ready to embark on the insane itinerary that Kate planned. She'd updated it multiple times—sometimes within the same hour, and she kept adding things that weren't necessary to land the Watson deal. At least, in my mind.

Sighing, I got out of bed and looked at the last edition of the itinerary I'd printed at my office.


Subject: Thirty Day Fiancée (Some Reminders)

To the future "Mrs. Dee,"

I'm including a short itinerary and some things I NEED you both to make sure you do while the press is watching so we can make sure that we: A) Convince Watson that Michelle is a 'family-oriented person'; B) Reform Michelle's image in the press as a former womanizer instead of a current one; C) Secure the million-dollar bonus that was promised to me if we land this deal!

Day 1-3:

Fly to Michelle's hometown and stay in The Four Seasons for a couple nights before staying in the Dee family estate.

Rehearse the "how we fell in love" story (I've sent you both multiple copies).

Do a few interviews with the welcoming press.

If you see cameras, kiss each other. If you don't see cameras, kiss each other.

(Try to look deep into her eyes each time, Anntonia. Oh, and Michelle, try to lightly rest your hand on her ass when you're kissing, so this can seem like a "hot" relationship.)

Days 4-20:

At some point, Mr. Watson will fly in, and he will want to: A) Play golf with Michelle; B) Have dinner with the Dee Family; C) Get a tour of all the Bed & Breakfast villas that Michelle's brother co-owns with Michelle's mother; D) Sign off on this damn deal we've worked on for MONTHS.

Days 21-30: We'll return to New York, get a few more "couple" photos and interviews done for the press (if necessary).

Day 31: Amicable break-up.

Please don't be late for your flight.


Special Advisor of the CEO of Dee Industries


I debated whether I wanted to go through with this or not, if it was too late for me to back out. I'd told my sister I was still on the fence, even though I signed the contract without thinking twice.

I scrolled down to Michelle's name in my phone, but then I heard her voice in my living room.

Opening my bedroom door, I saw her standing on the steps of my brownstone—shaking her head at my sister. She was wearing a white shirt that clung to her body in all the right ways and a pair of dark lounge pants that exposed the perfectly carved "V" below her hips.

"Where's Anntonia?" She asked, impatient.

"I'm Anntonia."

"You're a very good lookalike, Alice."

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