Loki's Game

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Salem approached the hangar carefully. She was still reeling slightly from Fury's request that she torture Loki. She couldn't help but wonder if he really was hiding something from them, hiding something from her. As she reached the door to the cell block, she tried to shake these doubts from her head. Now was not the time to begin questioning SHIELD, she thought. She took a deep breath and opened the door.

A long walkway stood between her and the holding cell she had seen earlier. Made sense, she figured. Keep the deranged murderer in the big metal box meant for a monster. She approached the cell confidently, her footsteps not making a sound on the metal floor beneath her. Loki, who had been pacing back and forth in the cell, stopped when he noticed her come to a halt before the glass.

He turned to face her with a devilish grin already plastered on his face. "There aren't many who can sneak up on me," he says.

Salem smirked, crossing her arms. Her green eyes took in the sight before her. "Careful, Loki, that sounded almost like a compliment."

"You know," he continued, "I was expecting they'd send my brother to interrogate me. But it seems I was wrong."

"Sorry to disappoint," Salem replied, her voice cold.

"Oh," said Loki, as he took a step closer to the glass. "I am far from disappointed." His eyes ran up and down her form before he began to pace again. "So, what sort of torture should I be expecting? What kind of pain does Nick Fury intend to have his little weapon inflict upon me, hmm?"

Salem could tell he was trying to get under her skin. She was determined to keep him from succeeding.

"I'm not here to hurt you, Loki," she said with resolve. "I'm here to talk."

Loki stopped his pacing, and grimaced. "Oh, now I am disappointed."

Salem rolled her eyes. "Cut the crap Loki. You've got no leverage here. We have you locked in a box, and we threw away the key. You're going to tell us where the tesseract is."

"Am I?" Loki asked, raising an eyebrow. He stopped in front of her again, and leaned in slightly, his bright eyes narrowing. "Are you going to make me, Agent Ridge?"

Salem was taken aback slightly at the mention of her name, but remained composed. She didn't think he would remember her. They had fought over a year ago, and even then she wasn't sure they had actually spoken much, let alone introduced themselves.

Seeming to have read her mind, Loki responded. "Oh yes, I know who you are," he pauses, a small smile growing on his face. "Agent Barton has quite a fondness for you. At least he did, before I showed him the truth."

Salem shakes her head, her patience wearing thin. The mention of Clint had made her blood run cold. "Enough, Loki. I'm tired of your games."

Salem took a step toward the cell, placing a hand on the glass which separated them. It was cold to the touch. She figured Fury wouldn't want her doing this, but she didn't really care about his opinion anymore. He wanted her to use her powers after all, so she was going to use her powers.

Loki took a step back and watched her, a curious look on his face. Salem blinked, and with one step, walked through the glass which separated her from Loki. She stood face to face with him now inside the cell, close enough that she could smell his scent, like fresh mint and cedar.

Loki took another step back, obviously surprised at Salem's trick. "I'm impressed," he said, raising his hands. He smiled slightly. "What are you, a witch?"

Salem glared at him. She ignored his question, instead asking several of her own. "What are you doing, Loki? What could you possibly hope to accomplish by this? You would have been smart to have stayed away, continuing to let Asgard think you dead. Why come back now?"

The Avengers: Featuring Salem Ridgeजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें