What the bloody hell is a latte?

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Hermione looked up at her, Maia could see the little vein in her forehead about to burst, but she relented and started walking again.

"It's not far from here, it's a cafe I used to come to with Mum and Dad after we went to shows in London" Hermione declared. Maia had no clue what the bloody hell a show or a café was, but she followed the witch anyway.

After around 15 minutes of walking, turning corners and crossing what Hermione told her were roads, and the fast-moving metal things with wheels were apparently cars? Some sort of muggle transportation, they arrived at the little café. As they walked in Maia noted it was very quiet, thankfully they were the only ones there bar the server, as she walked over to a booth in the far corner of the café. Maia noticed she had long brown hair, freckles splashed over her nose and green eyes that were mesmerising, she should 'bring Pansy here she would love the waitress' she chuckled to herself.

"Your order?" the server asked.

'Shit' Maia thought, I don't know what muggles order at these places, her nose scrunched up nervously. Hermione must have noticed as she spoke first.

"I'll have a latte please," Hermione replied.

"And you?" the server asked Maia, she noticed Hermione giving her a nod.

"I'll have the same," she said as confidently as she could. As if she knew what the hell a latte was. The server walked away toward the counter to presumably make the drinks.

Maia didn't get a chance to speak before Hermione's thumb was gently rubbing over the scar on her nose, a look of sadness and pity in her eyes. Maia hated being pitied.

"Have you always had this?" the witch quizzed.

"Yes, you just usually don't see it, I always glamour it but I have no access to magic at the moment" Maia answered.

"How did you get it? Was it an accident? I suppose not if you always keep it glamoured. Are you alright?" the witch continued.

"It wasn't an accident Granger, it was a lovely gift from my father about a year ago, the one time he went for a place that would leave visible scarring," Maia remarked. She saw Hermione's face turn red, the Gryffindor's anger burning on her skin. "Granger settle yourself, I don't want your pity, and if you tell anyone about this, I will trap you in a classroom with Peeves!" she snipped.

"Maia, it's barbaric! No parent should ever hit their child! Does Draco know?" she countered.

"Salazar I'm having sodding what was it you taught me? Deja vu?" Maia clipped back. "There are more important things to go over than my arsehole father, I know you won't drop it so can we circle back to it?"

Hermione gave her a quick nod but with a look that said they would indeed be talking about this again. 'Salazar bloody Gryffindors and their saviour complexes"

The waitress walked back over with their drinks and placed them on the table. They both smiled at the waitress and waited till she was out of earshot before continuing. The pair of them leaned forward a little before Hermione spoke again.

"Okay, what the hell is going on Maia?" the witch snipped.

Maia was dreading this; this was going to be fucking dreadful.

"I just need to warn you, you're not going to like this Granger, you will be angry, you will be confused but I need your word, you cannot tell anyone the things I'm about to tell you. This conversation cannot leave these walls. You can't tell Harry. Do you understand?" Maia said firmly.

Hermione looked at her, a twinge of guilt in her face.

"I don't like keeping things from Harry either, but we will tell him Granger together but at the right time. We will tell him everything once the school year is finished, it's too risky what with the Dark Lord always invading his head. I'm only able to tell you because Draco has been teaching you occlumency, so that library in your head? The one where you keep all your memories, this book needs to stay in the restricted section. Okay?" she reiterated.

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