a small rant

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(this is just a chapter to rant about something that irks me, sorry lol)

 I just wanted to say it is kind of annoying how quick csm fans are to dismiss Himeno's relationship to Aki...

don't get me wrong, csm is full of complicated relationships which is what makes it so interesting. just look at reze and denji, makima and denji, aki and angel devil, and those are just the strictly "romantic" ones. the only explicitly romantic one is quanxi and her fiends! which is also wayy underground, in favor of things like makima x quanxi or kishibe x quanxi, blegh...

what i'm saying is that i do not want csm fans to look at their relationship through a pure shipping lense (as it is a wee more complicated, though i say it's much more romantic leaning than people want to admit) but it is frustrating to have the idea of Aki even vaguely returning her feelings to be so easily waved off. ESPECIALLY compared to akiangel like i do NOT want to start any wars, i lovvveee both ships with all my heart, but it pisses me off that people see it as "competition" to akiangel so they hate it. so many akiangel authors are SO quick to push Himeno to the side JUST to elevate their ship, and when they DO include her she's either portrayed as a jealous obsessive b#tch to add "drama", or booted to Aki's purely platonic friend just so she doesn't "get in the way" of the ship.

i also think that hatred of himeno based ONLY on this is infuriating. hearing people call her a sl#t/wh#re just because they were jealous of her crush on Aki made me SO mad and disappointed in csm fans. like OBVIOUSLY you can dislike Himeno for what she almost did to Denji but I really do hate how much hatred for Himeno seems staked on jealously rather than general character criticism.

while i'm at it, Himeno did not groom Aki at all. Not only was he 19 when they first met, but the Buddy Stories confirms that Himeno is only a "little older" than AKi, as it is the reason he didn't want to call her his senpai at first. their relationship had its ugly sides, but the clear love and care they both showed each other is what makes it so special, and is the reason Himeno is one of the most important character's to Aki's arc, second next to Denji/Powy obviously.

again, so many authors refuse to give Himeno x Aki the same treatment they give ANY other ship, I've even seen f##king AKIDEN fans make her out to be a bad guy for her crush on Aki like!?!? I just wish people would just accept that Aki more than likely returned her romantic feelings, but obviously didn't act on it for many reasons I can list in another chapter if you guys want, one of them being a HUGE manga spoiler that iykyk lol.

that's all sorry <3

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