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(A|N: i just get so tired of all these aki x readers where himeno is WAY too ooc on the jealousy department--not saying she isn't jealous, just that they scale it up to childishly high levels, just to add drama to the lame romance of aki dating a girl who's "better" than himeno and just. as a lesbian i just have. feelings about the old trope of two women fighting over some guy. so i decided to flip it around and add my own little plot twist <3)

(Contains: reader was written to be a girl ig but since gender doesn't really come into play here you could read it as gn!reader, possibly unrequited himeno x gn!reader, internalized lesphobia, aki is here, cussing, a disturbing lack of italics, csm-typical mature but not explicit content.)


you hate her so fucking bad.

the worst part is that there's no good reason to--himeno's nice. she's friendly and bubbly, knowing just what to say to calm down or work up her colleagues. yet she knows when to get serious, too. you've seen her comfort nail-biters like kobeni with a few soft murmurs and hugs. god, she gives out hugs like they're candy. lets out soft "hmmm" noises when she does so like she's eating something just as sweet. and if hugs aren't for you himeno listens and won't touch you unless you really fucking need it. she can tell your ups from downs and tries her hardest to cheer you up no matter how many times you snark that you're fine. even then, himeno can leave well enough alone. nodding solemnly as she excuses herself to smoke. inviting you to join her, if you wish. she never turns down good company--fitting when she's the one making it so nice.

but you hate her because of all the special attention, of all the kindness, of all the warm hugs where you can feel her heartbeat beneath the soft curve of her chest, it's obvious to everyone and their mother that she likes aki.

and you like aki.

he's...nice. well, he's more quiet and closed-off--maybe even a little high-strung and mean--but he's polite. or at least he isn't rude to girls as he is to boys. one time you got close to him, really, really close. short body trailing behind his tall stature; the shade to his tree form. he smelled of cigarettes and mint. a crisp, sharp thing that made your heart pound at the comfort it gave you.

it only took a few seconds for you to realize the smoke smelled like himeno's.

you had hooked onto a familiar scent without even realizing it. himeno's familiar scent.

you decide not to think too hard about it.

i mean, you love aki, right? he's a nice man. he's a nice man. he's a nice man.

you've never really loved a man like you love hayakawa. he's so pretty, you're told he resembles his mother. which makes your chest warm and tight with a feeling you ignore. just look how strong and kind he is, helping people. his determination is admirable too. any woman would be lucky to have a dependable man like him.

and yet you hesitate to fill that role--because it's himeno's fault. he won't do more than nod or make monotone small talk with you, but to himeno? oh, the way his eyes brighten the slightest bit, dropping everything to follow her instead. telling you they're going out drinking tonight so he has to go, but you're welcome to come. all the while himeno gives you that look away from him. her lips in a small pout, one eye gauging your actions for a secret weapon up your sleeves that'll seduce aki right from under her nose. but she just doesn't fucking get how his own always snap to her first when they come from a hard mission. how she doesn't need some contract with a control devil or whatever to have him wrapped around her finger, whether he knows it or not.

she just can't leave him alone. it pisses you off, seeing her cuddle up close to him at the bar. the bumps on her chest pillows for aki's flushed face, the two of them too drunk to care about how they look or what they're even doing. it's familiar for them, to be so close anyways, that being drunk only accelerates that bond further. to the point where people think they're together.

it makes your blood simmer, grinding your teeth as she looks at him with her eye crinkled at the edge, smile biggest you'd ever seen, flushing some more before she lands a kiss on his forehead.

she shouldn't be kissing him. it should be you.

you aren't sure which pronoun the you replaces, and you don't care to inquire further, leaping out of your seat to stomp across the bar and tap her on the shoulder.

"you shouldn't be drinking so much, senpai."

you're the most pissed you've been in ages but himeno's too out of it to notice, giggling at your narrowed eyes and deep-set scowl.

"this is my last one, swear! 's been a while since i'e been out, is all!!"

you're going to point that she's gone out with aki only a few days ago when she spills her cup on herself, drunkenly cursing. giggling some more soon after.

"whoops! sorry aki-kun..."

doused in liquor, aki only musters a half-hearted glare before himeno shrugs her jacket off, covering his wet head with it, and he's out like a light atop the bar table.

leaving you to stare at her undershirt--so wet the fabric clings to the outline of her bra, the bit of pudge below her breasts. the beginning of the waistband of her panties when your gaze lowers.

that tight, hot feeling gets to you again. like you're behind aki again, the man ignoring you in favor for her, face to just what made him take his eyes off you. and if the view's always like this, you see just way his eyes always catch on himeno like a fly to a glue trap.

"hehe, my eye's up here, ya know."

your eyes finally meet her lone one, the fluorescent lights reflecting in the stained-glass green of her irises. time slows, voices dull around you both. finally seeing himeno, finally seeing the reason aki says yes to drinking with her even though he ends up falling asleep after a few shots--finally seeing how fucking beautiful she is. she's so fucking soft, her supple chest softly inflating and deflating, the curve of her stomach shaking with every snort. soft lips parted in the perfect shape for a kiss.

and you're right in front of her, now. ready, waiting. you're not aki, nor do you want him as badly as she does, but you can be, for tonight.

instead of kissing you though, himeno walks right past you. the same brisk way you've done to her so many times. headed out to smoke. but this time you're too weak-kneed to follow. slumping besides aki as you mirror his resting position and hope that in your dreams, maybe you have a better chance with her there

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