Chapter 9

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"Okay Amiyah. Make sure you hold your leg in on the next one." Miyah's coach spoke to her. She climbed back on the balance beam and took a deep breath before attempting her flip again. "Perfect! That's what I'm talking about." He high fived her.

"Thanks." He handed her a water bottle.

"I think you have a great chance of placing."

"I don't know."

"Come on, you killed in the qualifiers."

"I know, but I've been checking up on China's team and they're really good."

"You're good too. Don't let stuff like that get in your head. You have to remember that their teams are all about accuracy ours is a mixture of accuracy and expression which you have both of. Don't sell yourself short."


"I mean it. You're the best gymnast I've ever coached. You're going to place."

"Thanks, Hen."


"Hey, baby." Kay walked into the gym and hugged Amiyah.

"Hey." She gave her a small kiss. "What you doing here?"

"Well, class got out early and I thought I'd come take you for lunch."

"That's sweet, but I have a lot of work to do before our competition." Kay got a sad face.

"You know what, you've worked hard these past few days. Take a break for the rest of the day." said Hen.

"You sure?"

"Yeah. Have some fun. Just don't overdo it."

"Alright. I'll see you tomorrow after class."

"You know it." Hen ran off to an office while Miyah put her sweats on. She and Kay left out the gym.

"I've missed you these last couple of weeks."

"I know, but this competition is very serious."

"But you can't forget about fun, baby." Amiyah smiled.

"What would I do without you?"

"Die." They laughed as they got into Amiyah's car. She was still getting used to the European way of driving. Toni had bought her a car to have here so she wouldn't have to rely on public transportation. She pulled away from the gym.

"So where you want to go?"

"They're having this lunch mixer thing on campus."

"Hmm." Miyah loved the events at the college but now that Lolade was here, she didn't want to risk running into her, especially with Kay. She knew her feelings for her were still strong and didn't want to hurt Kay's feelings. "I'm not really feeling the campus today."


"I'm just not in the mood."

"Okay, then we'll go somewhere else. How about a burger?"

"That sounds good."

"Then that's where we'll go." Kay held onto Miyah's arm as she drove to the burger spot. Even though Miyah didn't like physical touch as much as Kay, she dealt with it because she knew Kay loved it.
Miyah pulled up to the restaurant and they got out. She opened the door for Kay and they went inside. "Two please." The hostess got menus and took them to the table.

"So, you want me to stay at your place again?" asked Kay. Miyah chuckled.

"You just want to be nasty."

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