"That was two years ago," I said. "I don't send those types of notes anymore."

"Because Anntonia does them for you." She rolled her eyes. "Outside of your company, you don't have any true relationships, and that's exactly what Watson wants his successor to have. He thinks it'll make the owner more empathetic when it comes to certain things. Don't you?"

Fuck no.

I wasn't sure why he was suddenly acting like a saint, since he was far more ruthless than I was when he ran his own firm decades ago. He'd once written the exact five words that summed up exactly how I viewed relationships: worthlessly fickle, useless, and unpredictable.

Once they crashed, they never recovered, so I never invested any energy into them. The idea of ever starting a family had never crossed my mind because I saw firsthand what it did to some of my most successful peers. Their work ethic gradually slowed, their drive for power waned, and they began to run their companies on happiness instead of financial sense.

And I was completely baffled as to why after six months of negotiating, five weeks of endless conference calls, and hours of back and forth, that this CEO was considering backing out of a deal over something so frivolous.

I sighed and leaned back in my chair. "I need us to seal this deal, Kate. I'm not taking no for an answer."

"I'm sure you aren't." She smiled nervously. "A five-billion-dollar deal would be a hell of a portfolio boost—especially since it'll make you double that in ten years, once the other deals go through."

But if we don't get it, we'll lose twenty billion in the same amount of time...

I could guess the rest of her thoughts without her saying a word.

"Do you have any ideas on how we could get him to change his mind?"

"Finally!" She laughed and opened a folder. "I've been waiting for you to ask me that all day."

Before she could launch into her strategy, my desk phone rang with an unfamiliar number.

"Hold that thought for one second." I motioned for her to give me a second. "This is Michelle Dee," I answered the phone.

"Ms. Michelle, this is Mr. Tanner from the Tanner and Associates firm across the street. You told me to call if um, if Ms. Anntonia Porsild ever come over again."

"I did," I said. "When was she there?"

"Just now, ma'am. She just left not too long ago."

I pulled out my phone and looked at my inbox. Her last email to me was from thirty minutes ago.


Subject: Dentist Appointment

Ms. Dee,

I seem to have forgotten that I also had a dentist appointment scheduled for today. Since the office is close by, I'm just going to run over and personally reschedule it for a later time. Just like you suggested.

Anntonia Porsild,

Executive Assistant to Michelle Marquez Dee, Dee Industries

PS—I forgot to say it back. Happy Anniversary :-)


She's still fucking with me...

"What did she ask you for, Mr. Tanner?" I asked.

"The same thing as always, ma'am. Inquiring if we could look at the contract again and find any loopholes."

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