Surprises at the Press Brief

Start from the beginning

"Then I can assure you that he is definitely the one", Ryuko says.

Tomi merely nods at this before an expression of anxiety washes over his face

"So, what are we going to do when ~he~ finds out about this?", he asks.

"We'll deal with him; simple as that", Ryuko reassures him before glancing at the clock, "Anyway, time to get this over with."

"I'll go butter them up first", Tomi says as he handed over the thumb-drive to Ryuko, "You have a copy of it in your phone if you want to review it first."

"Got it", Ryuko says and Tomi then turns to walk away to the conference room, putting a pair of shades on while doing so.

Outside the Conference Room

"This is Yu Shimamura, with Musutafu Hero Japan news, reporting live from Musutafu General Hospital where we are just moments away from the press brief with the Dragoon Hero: Ryukyu as she will give us more information on the boy who is sweeping the nation's social media even as I speak, Izuku Midoriya."

To anyone who was watching the broadcast, clip footage of Izuku destroying Katsuki, Kasumi, and their gang her shown as well as Ryuko showing up and taking him away.

"Mere hours ago, this quirkless young man brutally assaulted seven outstanding children with powerful quirks, all who have dreams of becoming Pro Heroes. Because of their outstanding obedience to the law, none of them used their quirks to defend themselves", the reporter kept going on.

The reporter stops for a moment to catch her breath before pushing on.

"Across all social media platforms and forums across the web, many are calling for this boy to be arrested and trial as a criminal while others are saying that the government needs to increase the restrictions on the quirkless in order for something like this to never happen again. Some are even going as far as saying that all quirkless in Japan need to be move off the mainland and onto some of the smaller islands", Yu reports on, "But even these comments have been considered too extreme by many and ignored."

A commotion behind her draws her attention to the podium at the front of the room and Yu directs the camera to point to that direction where it catches Tomi walking up to said podium.

"And it seems that we are about to start", Yu says.

"Hey, how's everyone doing?", Tomi starts off, "I am Tomi Taira, public relations, social media manager, and spokesman for Ryukyu, and I will be answering any questions for the time being. Ryukyu herself will be along shortly."

A flurry of hands goes up across the room.

Tomi briefly looks across the room, deciding quickly who to pick for the first question. He could not focus too much on one side of the room because it would be showing favoritism because the right side of any room used for any press brief had the right-wing news platforms and the left side had the left-wing news platforms. Then you had moderate and non-affiliated news channel, freelancer journalists, and such straight down the middle with rows in between them to allow movement as well as form imaginary barriers between the groups.

Simple and effective.

Japanese culture at its finest.

Or worse, Tomi was still on the fence about that.

Anyway, the reason he could not show favoritism to any particular side of the room was because as Ryuko's spokesperson, it would look like she was showing favoritism to a particular political platform; something she absolutely refuse to do.

Pro Heroes were celebrities and thus were no different than movie stars and sports icons in-regards to politics. What political party you associate with could make your career as easily as it could break it.

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