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[Mikumo Saika pov]

After the fight, i went with Jin to the meeting of the higher ups when i got there i stood beside my Commander, when me and Jin arrived there they immediately started scolding Jin

"And you!, how dare you show your self here after siding with them!"

Director Netsuki shouted at me while pointing his index at me, and i removed my mask since everyone in the room knows me

"My brother is there, do you really think i will just let him get caught in the crossfire? He already got involved in the first one what makes you think I won't take measures and besides it's Commander Shinoda's commands so I'm not on your side in the first place"

I looked at him directly in the eye as i spoke and Commander Shinoda raised his hand to stop me, and i did and soon they started discussing of the Black Trigger and i just stayed silent

"If you won't give us the trigger then we will take it by force"

Head Commander Kido stated, i know where this is going since Jin told me the story of my brother befriending the neighbour,the neighbour must be important to my brother

"If you dare do that it's not just Arashiyama Squad and Seika you will me facing"

Commander Shinoda fired back

"If so then I'll command Ammo to fight you"

Commander Kido stated shocking the Directors

"If so then i will allow Seika the use of her Black Trigger"

Commander stated shocking the other Directors further, but Commander Kido remained calm

Soon Jin offered his own Black Trigger  Fujin in exchange of Yuma Keeping his, this stupid 🚚 what is he doing

And soon the meeting ended and i put on my mask again and went with Jin we have the same route when we get out of border

"I don't know why the 🚚 you did what you did Jin but i won't ask"

I told him and he just chuckled and patted my head as we navigated our way out of Border

[Third Person pov]

The two bid their farewell and went on their separate directions, she ponders while walking out on the streets [she already turned her trigger off]

She went home directly and just went to bed after all she has a job to do tomorrow, while on her way she continued to ponder is she should meet Osamu and also about Jins words

"You don't have to rush, he will accept you either way but conflict can't be avoided"

She agreed on his words, she should take things slowly it's better that way

And she didn't even notice that she was already Infront of her house, so she just entered the empty House and as soon as she was in her phone started ringing

"Kaichou! Ina is being mean again!"

When she answered the call a high pitched voice can be heared in the back ground

"Ruka lower your voice, anyways Kaichou i received a message from Shinoda Kaichou that we will have to participate in the Enlistment"

She heard a Stern voice tell her and she hummed

"Alright I'll be there tomorrow tell Ruka and the Two other two that i said hi"

She stated and she received a hum of confirmation from the girl on the other line

✧Taiko Ina✧
Squad Operator
Shinoda Unit
Rank : S

✧Yukina Ruka✧
Shinoda Unit
Rank : A

Then after that the call ended and she went to do her skin care routine and went to bed


The Shinoda Unit is in their Squad Operating Room, also where they live

"Guys Kaichou said hi to you three"

Ina told them while the twins and Ruka are in the couch just lounging around

"Really Kaichou did?"

One of the twins stated in a low and calm voice

✧Tachikawa Kiora✧
Shinoda Unit
Rank : A

"Kaichou never forgets she's so sweet"

✧Tachikawa Kiana✧
Shinoda Unit
Rank : A

"And she's also coming here tomorrow, for the joint Enlistment demonstration we would be doing with Arashiyama squad" Ina stated and the others hummed

"Guys should we cook Kaichou fried aji?" Ruka asked

"Oh right that is Kaichou's favourite dish yes let's do it tomorrow, you know that she doesn't like food from the Lounge" Kiana stated and her twin only nodded in agreement

The squad settled down with two of her favourite dishes Fried Aji and Fried tofu, their leader has done so much for them already

To be continued

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