Chapter One

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The television in the living room droned on and on as the twenty year old woman stared at it blankly, lying on a sofa.
A sigh escaped her lips as she stretched tiredly. Finally having enough of the noise, she switched the TV off.

"Yaya, miss," a small lady of about 20  years came in, holding a ringing phone, "Uh... He- wishes to speak to you."

Yaya's face hardened with contempt. She hated talking to that man.
Her father. She swore never to recognize him as her father, though. No father makes his daughter a spy, a weapon to take down his enemies.

It felt sick.

"I'm not in the mood for his tantrums. Tell him to call another time. Anytime he calls, he always manages to drain energy from me."

The lady only nodded before leaving.
However, she came back two minutes later, the phone still ringing in her hands.
Yaya shot up, annoyance evident in her features. "What is it now, Kaning? Didn't you tell him to call another time?"

Kaning grimaced. "It seems that this is urgent. Just take the call and get it over with."

Yaya groaned before taking the phone and answering the call.

"I see you're reluctant to talk to me again, girl," a  male voice rang out, humor laced in the words.

"Ah, you figured it out. Lovely," Yaya answered sarcastically. "What do you want?"

"No greetings. Rude," her father laughed.

"Good evening. Can we get to the point now?"

"Well, then. It so happens that I have a flight booked for London tomorrow. Meet me at the suite by 12."

Yaya grew agitated. " You're coming to London? Why?"

"I have a meeting there. How coincidental."

Yaya suspected that it wasn't just a coincidence. She lived in London and he never had meetings there.

" I will be expecting you, Yaya," he said matter-of-factly.

"Yes, I'll be there," Yaya responded before cutting the call.

Kaning looked on expectantly. "What did he say?"

Yaya groaned. "He's coming to London. Tomorrow."

Kaning frowned. "That can't be good. Why is he coming to see you all the way from Thailand?"

"I don't know. I just hope it isn't another mission again. "

Kaning nodded, agreeing with her. "I hope so too."


Yaya walked into the suite, head held up high and heart thumping erratically. She could only hope that whatever that man  would say would not disrupt her quiet life.

Finding a balcony to seat in, she gazed at the blue swimming pool below.

Everything he had was luxurious. From the many complexes he had in Thailand, to the little suites he had in the US, everything was unapologetically ostentatious.

Even his name commanded respect and wealth. Chirawat.

And she was forced to bear that name. She had no one to support her except that man.
Born to a Pakistani maid who ran away from her family and eventually ended up working for the Chirawats in Thailand, the circumstances surrounding her birth were chaotic. Almost like it was foreshadowing the chaotic, abnormal life she would lead.

Because her father was too ashamed to show her to the world as his illegitimate child, he hid her away in the UK. In Yaya's pre teen years, she had always hoped that one day, her birth mother would come to take her away from the hellhole her own father created.

But she never came. So Yaya was forced to live with the bitter fact that she would always be a bastard child, never recognized as important.

Her father had plans, unfortunately for Yaya.

Her journey to becoming a human weapon started when she, along with two orphan twins Kaning and Taning, accidentally found the trade secrets of a rival company in Singapore. At the tender age of 12. The secrets were so carelessly hidden that it wouldn't matter who found it, it would still have been spilled. But that was by the way.

Her father had finally found use of her. To destroy rival companies by finding out their secrets.

Now that she was older, it seemed petty. Ridiculous even. Why use minors, children who have no business in the business world to commit such crimes?

But that was Chairman Chirawat.  Disgustingly brazen and shameless. With no qualms whatsoever about whose job it was to do his dirty work.

A loud noise outside the suite disrupted her thoughts. Curious, she peeped outside to know what was going on.

Several cars lined up, their engines revving with pride.

An entourage, Yaya mused. That could mean only one thing.

A tall, elderly man dressed to the nines came out of one of the cars, surrounded by bodyguards.

Yaya clenched her fists in annoyance.

He was here.

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