Chapter Forty Eight

Start from the beginning

"Its too risky," Rudy says back.

You lift your head up from the wall, "How so?"

"Captain feels like it would be a suicide mission to send someone back there. The house is probably rigged with explosives," Soap turns and says to you.

You divert your green eyes from his ocean blues and scan over the few faces in front of you, "But we don't know that."

"Harley, I'm not sending my men back where you were held prisoner just for them to open the door and get blown to pieces," Price responds. His voice a little colder than usual. You knew it wasn't from you, but from lack of intel.

"He wouldn't do that," you bite back. Your pregnancy hormones taking effect. Price glares his eyes at you. "That house means too much to him. Him blowing it up would be like us retiring."

"I'm not following. What the fuck does your parents house have to do with Michael Gravely?" His tone now unforgiving.

You take in a deep breath to try and calm yourself, "That is his 'base'," you say air quoting base. "I remember overhearing him and Konig talking in my room when they thought I was asleep," you see Ghost and Soap tense out the corner of your eyes at the mention of room and Konig. "They talked about how important that house was, and they couldn't relocate because the house was off grid. All the other houses that Michael owns are public record, but not my parents."

"As it looks, your parents died, so therefore the house and everything with it went to you and you haven't changed it. So, its still in your name," Gaz says trying to connect the dots.

"Not exactly," you counter. Gaz and Price look at you confused. "Everything went to me, yes, but I put everything in Traywick thinking I was starting something from the ground up, but it had been there the whole time."

"Traywick was off grid," Laswell says interrupting you.


"Wait, so your parents house was never public record?" Gaz asks confused.

"Correct. In the eyes of the State of Montana, it doesn't exist," you reply to him.

"Impossible," Price intervenes. "What about taxes? Land Records?"

"Land records are there. My dad bought hundreds of acres, but the house," you chuckle. "He paid someone a nice amount to erase any sort of details pertaining to the house. If you try to look at the property online, it just shows fields and mountains. Not a house in sight. That's why all transactions done at my parents were always under the city and state – not their names."

"The address was given to me privately years ago when I visited your father," Price tells you.

"Exactly. To the world, my parents' house doesn't exist and the only way to know about it, is if you are told about it," you confirm.

"Can't Michael do what your dad did to get one of his properties like that?" Rudy asks you.

You shake your head, "Nope. Father made sure to pay the man who did it and then once it was confirmed, he had him killed and then took his money back – so technically he got his security clearance for free."

"Damn," Soap says out loud.

"Yeah. Father was under the radar," you say to everyone. "I'm telling you; he isn't going to have that house rigged. If he did, he'd be a fool. Also, him blowing that up would cause an uproar. The News and social media would be blowing up – which would lead to rabbit holes and then a lot of shit would get exposed on him," you pause, "And not in a good way. Remember, he's probably hiding from Graves. That would put a target on his back."

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