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The blonde woke up in a stone brick cube, roof removed and world spinning. How long had he been out? He rubbed his head, groaning as he looked around. Filled item frames adorned both side walls, a giant oak gate blocking this prison from the actual Arena.

The Arena. The place pros were sent to die. And he was about to fight in it.

He knew the rules well - two items from each wall. He took a shield and bucket from one wall, stone axe and sword from the other. He sifted through his inventory menu, trying to find something.


A shaky sigh left Evbo's mouth, preparing himself to fall upon those he once called allies. 

The gate opened, a guard pushing him through with a netherite axe. A small pain raised in his back, causing a small noise of shock to come from him. His eyes stared at the sand-and-stone plain before him, waiting for the first opponent.

To his surprise, it was a...noob?

A wave of nostalgia washed over him, memories of a world before his own. Dirt, dirt and...noobs.

He shook his head, playing it off as a dream. Days of sleepless nights and overworked projects had some affect on him - at his expense.

A few slashes with his axe, the armourless Steve fell to the ground in a bloody heap. The body disappeared.

"It seems even you couldn't mess round 1 up, Pro Evbo. For your next challenge, you will fight a pro."

An Alex appeared, dressed in full netherite armor and wielding an extremely overpowered axe in hand.

Evbo cursed his luck.

He ran towards a large lava-covered rock, jumping up so high even he surprised himself. Weird. The Alex followed him, stepping up the stones. She walked through some lava, damaging her.

The blonde got an idea. The bucket! He dipped it into the lava. His hand caught the molten rock, but no pain. 

He clutched his newly-found weapon, running onto the sand. The Alex followed him right into a trap.

He dumped the lava on the ground, catching her on fire and killing her.

Evbo reached for the armor, but it quickly despawned. He sighed, a small hiss of pain coming from the wound in his back.

Suddenly, 8 pros full armored in netherite appeared before him.

"Pro Evbo, you will be fighting eight pros-"

A familiar voice rang through his head.


"Wait, this isn't right. Where am I?!"

The world glitched once again, now only seven pros before him.

"Pro Evbo, you will he fighting seven pros as your final round."


This couldn't be happening.

He would never survive! Not to mention the stupid bleeding on his back.

He became even more stressed by the minute, beginning to hyperventilate.

He was about to feel the hard blow of an axe above his head, but then-

He disappeared.

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