The Day The Pros Came Along

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1ST Person POV - Evbo POV

It all happened so fast. All of them, Steve skins. All of them, full Netherite armor and over 50,000 EXP levels. And all of them, ruthless. If your EXP dipped below 50,000, I'm just going to say, the sword was the easiest way out.

I tried to protect my friends, yet I couldn't remember anything since the moment I woke up the day before the takeover. It's so confusing. I watched them all fall before me. SeaWatt, Joofy and even Grox. All. Gone. And I don't think they're coming back. The thud of their bodies, the splat of the blood onto my shirt, their lifeless eyes...

If I didn't wear a chestplate, people would think I'm some bloodthirsty monster who made three innocent players die to his hands.

(This is so OOC help 😭)

I stretched my arms out as I yawned, sitting up on my red bed and taking in the new day. What was it again? Every day just blurred into one nowadays, without my friends to annoy me and the heavy clancking of netherite gear all throughout Pro Civilization. 

I tugged on my striped, bloodstained shirt and dark blue jeans. I tied my headband over my pale blonde hair, wiping it from my sweat-infested forehead. Looking out over the hills in the distance of my glazed windows, I could see pros completing tasks and getting about their everyday life.

I was the last person who wasn't just a default skin. Though I can't remember any of my past, I know I'm different. Everyone, all the brainwashed Steves, just acted like nothing was wrong. But I knew there was some ulterior motive hidden by the Master Pros.

I sighed sadly, bringing up my hotbar menu until I heard I loud knock at my door. I thought for a second, before I remembered.

"Oh shoot, I forgot to deliver the Mending Books!" I mentally facepalmed myself. I'd been having a lot of memory issues lately. But forgetting to deliver Enchantment Books?! That was a sin that could be harshly punished by the Master Pros. I tugged on my heavy armor, tying the strap of my Elytra around my neck and getting my fireworks ready in my hand. Walking up to the slightly rotted crimson stem door, I psyched myself up to face Pros.

The creak of the door would seal my fate. The deep voice of the pro echoed through my ears.

"Pro Evbo. We have heard of your inability to perform the task of delivering the Mending Books."

I chuckled nervously.

"I can go deliver them now, actually. I'll just-"

The pro raised his tanned hand, as a signal to stop me.

"No need. Another pro has delivered said Mending Books."

I sighed in relief.

"Pro Evbo, since we are at your property, we can use this as a Level Check."

I froze. My eyes turned to my calander. Tuesday. 

"But Level Checks are on Friday!"

"If you have 50,000 or more EXP Levels, you have no need to worry."

"Give me a second!"

I darted back into my house, pulling up my hotbar menu. My black, dotted eyes widened in fear and shock. It couldn't's not...

49,999 EXP Levels. 


What happened?! I don't even remember spending my EXP! This couldn't be happening right now. It. Couldn't. I hurried to my Shulker box collection to try and get ANY Experience Bottles. I pulled off the lids. Netherite blocks, diamonds, gold, and FOUR?! No no no, this won't work! I smashed them on the ground. It barely put a dent in my EXP bar. 

I dragged my heavy feet to the door again. A voice in my head was telling me to stop, but I might as well end my journey in this world quickly.

"Pro Evbo, since you are refusing to a Level Check, we will see you in one hour before the Master Pros."

I felt like sighing in relief. An hour was enough time to get more EXP...right? I thanked them and held the straps to my Elytra, leaping of the cliff and gliding gently across the valley. I landed in a cold water pit, hopping out of temperature shock.


I shivered and walked over to the grate. I had made an Ender Dragon farm a while ago, which I've used for EXP for ages.

But when I saw the dragons, I knew for sure my life was about to end.

"Oh f-"

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