" Midnight cravings "

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I woke up feeling something being pocked on my cheeks, turning around I find shehnaaz smiling at me cheekily, I check the time which said it's 4:30 am in the morning.

" What's wrong shehnaaz are you ok?? "

" Sidharth I'm feeling hungry, and I'm craving something sweet "

" Do you want to eat ladoos?? "

I ask resting my back against the head board picking up the jar of homemade ladoos prepared by mother from the bed side table, shehnaaz shook her head looking at me with her puppy eyes.

" I'm craving Oreo Mcflury from McDonald's "

" At this hour?? "

She nods her head showing me her puppy eyes I kissed her forehead getting off the bed.

" Sidharth I'm sorry!! Are you angry that I woke you up "

" No baby not at all. I will be right back, what else do you want?? Chicken nuggets?? "

" Yes!!! And a happy meal. Ask them to give me the toy they forgot last time and my collection is incompetent "

She says pointing at the McDonald's happy meal collection, I nod mentally taking a note of getting every toy she needs to finish her collection. I picked a sleeping zahara off her crib and also made plans to built a bed for her as she is growing up now and the crib is small, I make zahara lay next to shehnaaz covering them we'll with blanket.

" The fries taste good with the Mcflury , try it "

Said shehnaaz stuffing my mouth with some fries, I watch my beautiful baby mama enjoying her meal having a full-blown smile across her face. This just made me realize how much I missed shehnaaz when she wasn't around for a year and before or how much did I miss not being around during her pregnancy. Shehnaaz grinned at me pushing the half eaten chicken burger and fries.

" You being pregnant is making me fat"

I pointed out having the food while she just gave me one of her signature pout which she always does, shehnaaz always ends up ordering a lot off food when she couldn't finish it she would end up passing it to me making me have a desi dad body.

' sidharthhhhh '

Yelled zahara mimicking like shehnaaz who watched this exchange between me and zahara, zahara layed on the ground calling me out similar to the way what shehnaaz does.

" Zahara you don't call dada by his name it's bad manners "

" Sidharthhhhhh "

She mocked shehnaaz calling me again I kissed her forehead tickling her shehnaaz shook her head wiping the kitchen counter.

" Unbelievable you can't encourage her to say things like this "

" Sweetheart chill she is just having fun. "

Shehnaaz glared at me throwing the paper towel in the bin, I gave zahara a bath getting her ready for a walk. I, shehnaaz and zahara walke around in the park zahara immediately let go of our hands running towards the slide to play with dhruv. I glared at the kid who glared at me back.

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