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"Hey! That's even worse than being called a mascot!" Paimon said as she pouted.

"Oh, well, its nice to meet you two." Amber says as she studies them.

"Your not from here, are you? Ive never seen your uniform since the infection." Amber says curiously.

Aether, still chuckling a little, nodded his head.

"Ah, I see. Well, I don't really trust you much to let you go off around all by yourself, so ill bring you over." Amber said as she turned around.

"Follow me."


"And we are here! Welcome to mondstadt! This part of Teyvat Academy is for those who work better when they are free to chose and not chained to a teachers orders." Amber said as they entered a magical looking area.

Every wall in sight was mostly made of cobble stone, with some cracked ceramic walls here and there. There was a carpet of moss on the floor, leading the way to who knows where. There seemed to be mini stalls. One with food, another with weapons, other with stones and fine gems. It looked more like a city than just a school.

"The school was a lot cleaner before the infection, and we didn't used to sell weapons. That was until the infection started. Of course, you'd have to be living under a rock to not know any of that. It's been going on for a week now!" Amber said with a laugh.

Aether laughed nervously, then noticed something shiny hanging on ambers waist.

"Amber...what's that?" Aether asked as he pointed to the glowing item.

It was red, surrounded by some sort of tempered glass. Well, it looked like glass, but it definetaly wasn't. Holding it all together was a simple silver lining.

"Oh, you mean my vision? Jeez, you really have been living under a rock. No one actually knows where they came from. They just appeared in random students bags ever since the infection. Even little Klee got one! You must have the anemo one, considering the colour of yours." Amber said as she pointed to Aethers waist.

Aether looks at his waist, realising he also had one of those glowing items. But, it was in cyan blue.

"Sorry to ask, but what's anemo?" Aether asks, confused on what's going on. After all, it seems like he was out for a little too long.

"Jeez, you really are clueless. The red one, pyro, is connected to fire. The light blue one, cryo, is connected to ice. Dark blue, hydro, is connected to water. The purple, electro, is connected to electricity. The cyan, anemo, is connected to wind. The green, dendro, is connected to nature." Amber says with a smile

"Oooooo, Aether never told Paimon you had a vision! Oh, Paimon feels so different." Paimon grumbled.

"It's fine Paimon. Not many people get visions. Only a chosen few. But hey, how about i treat you to a dish created by one of our very students! It's called the  Chicken-Mushroom Skewer." Amber said with a smile.

"Ooooo, food! Yay, Paimon is happy now! Come on Aether! We need to try this dish!" Paimon says as she tugs on aethers arm.

Aether laughs a bit as he nodded.

"Yay! Let's go!" Paimon says happily as she drags aether.

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