"You know that got the blight on it. I've been picking mangoes since I was a youth, and you know that'll kill my man." I said and yeah this accent is super bad but he's believing it.

"You eat this mango, it eat you. You end up like a sick hamster on your back, dirt on your shirt." I place it back down in his basket and we bolted out of there.

"Can't believe you think I sound like that!" Cleo yelled at me. The cashier was yelling at us to come back and clearly that's not happening.

"You know, I don't know what's worse, the sick hamster or that accent!"

"Well at least now we can add shoplifting and interpretation onto my resume!" I tell her and we both laugh as we run down the pier back to the boat. Cleo was right this did cheer me up.

John B POV:

"Enough about me. I want to hear about you. Who are you sweet on these days, huh?" Dad asked me, "I know there must be someone."

"Yeah. Yeah. There's uh...there's been some development on that front." I went quiet before telling him, "I'm married, Dad."

"You're joking right, right?"

"No. Not at all." I tell him

"What, is she pregnant?"

"No, no. God, no, no." I exclaimed scratching my face, "Yeah, I haven't really had time for the extracurricular activities."

"You're a little young, ain't ya?"

"Have you met JJ?"

"Good point."

"Besides, I mean, you said it best. If it's right, it's right."

"Do I know her? Uh, who is she?"

I clear my throat. This is the hard part, telling him, that I got married to Sarah Cameron. After everything this might actually give him a heart attack.

"Yeah. Yeah, you know her. Um..."

"Is it bean? Don't tell me you got with her?" He asked me

"What? No of course not, besides she's been JJ's girl since we were kids."

"Yeah good point" He said laughing

I drink down my shot before saying anything. I was definitely going to need more after this.

"It's Sarah...Cameron."

He didn't say anything, he just took off his glasses giving me a look.

"Ward's daughter? The queen of Kildare"

"Yeah" I can tell he's a bit disappointed.

"You just can't do things the easy way, can you?"

"Are you mad?" I asked him not seeing any emotions on his face.

"That you went for the big prize. Nah. How could I be mad about that."

I nod happily knowing that he was happy with it. We cheers once more. And we continue drinking and chatting just catching up, I was telling him everything that's he's been missing.

"So what about Bean, JJ, Pope and Kie. How they doing?"

"Well I can tell you Pope is still the smartest one out of us and Kie is still fighting for the environment."

"Ah well I see much hasn't changed then." He pours us another drink

"Well actually, JJ and Popstar are engaged" I tell him and he looks at me in disbelief

One more adventure can't hurt, right?Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant